10. Loan Market New Farm

Loan Market New Farm is rank 10 in this year's Top 10 Brokerages

10. Loan Market New Farm

Dealing with change means constant communication with clients and the team

Like most other brokers on this list, Loan Market New Farm’s Paul Hixon says it takes about 30% more time to put together a loan these days. The brokerage has therefore expanded its team over the last 12 months, adding more credit staff to handle the new changes and restrictions that the industry is currently facing.

To maintain exceptional service throughout these challenges, the emphasis is always on communication. “Whenever you touch a fi le, you communicate with your customer. So when you lodge a fi le you tell them; when you send something extra to the bank you tell them. We communicate so much that they don’t need to question or worry about anything,” Hixon says.

With over 50 years’ combined credit experience, each team member brings a wide breadth of knowledge and skill to the company. Hixon’s background in real estate has allowed him to develop strong referral relationships with agents. And his colleague, Adam Wallace-Harrison, has a keen eye for analysis and process, thanks to his previous experience as a rugby player and coach.