Mark Davis has been recognised as one of the leading brokers in the Australian mortgage industry by being listed in the 2018 edition of Mortgage Professional Australia's Top 100 Brokers
The Australian Lending & Investment Centre
Aggregator: Connective
Melbourne, Vic
Total value of residential loans FY2017/18: $300,909,867
Total number of residential loans FY2017/18: 899
Mark Davis wrote 899 loans this past year and conducted every single interview himself. How did he do it? Forty interviews per week.
In these changing times, people tend to halve their communication because they get so busy, which is the opposite of what one needs to do, Davis says. Now is the time to triple it. The ALIC team communicates with clients every three days, unless they’re told otherwise.
“Especially in this market, they want to know that everything is OK. ‘I’ve got nothing to update you on; everything is under the control.’ Because we have more sophisticated investor-type clients, they’ll be all over you like a rash if they think you’re not in control,” he says.
Not only do brokers need to up their communication, but they also need to increase their training and streamline their processes.
“We’ve made huge changes to the way we operate over the last six to 12 months because the banks are changing on a daily basis,” Davis says. “You need to increase your intensity and put more time in. I didn’t think I had any more time, until you sit down and push yourself a little bit harder.”
While training will take more time up front, it saves time in the long run, Davis says.
“You can’t afford not to train,” he says. “You don’t have time not to adhere to absolutely everything – one-on-one’s, managing meetings, updates, introduction calls, follow-up calls, updating the client every three days; it’s process, process, process.
“You do all that and actually save time. You save time by becoming better and more efficient, by being proactive rather than reactive.”
He says it's important to be able to sort out quickly whether there is a deal to be done or not. Many clients come to ALIC after being turned away by other providers and expect them to be able to “pull a rabbit out of a hat”.
But Davis isn’t deterred. “It is an investor market; our business model has been built for bad times, so astute investors actually operate in bad markets and make the most of their money in these times. In the next three to six months, we should be coming into some of our best times ever.”