4 ways to make more money while working less

No, this is not another article about brokers diversifying, says Top Broker's Joshua Vecchio.

Director of Discovery Finance Group, Joshua Vecchio has written over $250m, using techniques and tips being shared on his website Top Broker.

Ok before I start I’m going to put it out there and say, sure you can sell a home loan, insurance, accounting and a kitchen sink and you will make more revenue, but how many hours are you working to do this and is this really what you are good at?

So are you one of those brokers who are convinced they have to put in more hours to make more money? Doing lots of deals and diversifying into lots of different areas means lots and lots of success right? That was my belief too, until I started surrounding myself with successful brokers who have put systems in place so their businesses will thrive with or without them – these are the guys that work smarter, not harder!

Have you ever felt that you could be working on higher value tasks? Are you still chasing valuations down and waiting on hold to the banks? Could you be working less and earning more in your business?

Here are four things you too can do to make more money while working less, and also a preview into our FREE mini-course – which I am really excited about – that we are running next week* on the secret to consistent productivity and taking your business to the next level so watch this space and if you haven’t already make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list to get it delivered to your inbox!

Step 1. Specific and measurable goals
Get specific on your goals and the type of life you want to be living. How much money do you want to be making? What level of activity do you want to have in your business? Now, imagine the Top Brokers who are already performing at that level. What do they do that is different from you? What tasks are you currently doing that they delegate?

Step 2. Focus on the highest-income and impact activities
We all have 24 hours in a day, yet how is it that some brokers are able to get so much more done in the same amount of time? The best brokers understand that making more money in less time comes down to identifying the smallest things that make the biggest impact – Ask yourself right now what are the high income and impact activities you could do right now to move your business forward today?

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Step 3. Surround yourself with great mentors
Jim Rohn said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Who are your five? Are they already living the life you want to be living? If not, what does this say about you and your prospects? If you want to take your business to the next level and free up more time, surround yourself with mentors who are already living that lifestyle and can guide you along the way.

Step 4. Consistently practice daily self-improvement
Your mind is your greatest asset as long as you learn how to leverage it appropriately. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs have a ritual of daily self-improvement. Challenge yourself to spend the first 30 minutes and last 30 minutes of every day reading something positive that will expand your mind and enhance your skillset.

Your business can grow only as much as you allow it to, and that growth starts with you!

This article originally appeared on Top Broker, a growing online space where tips and strategies are shared by Australia's top mortgage brokers.
*The time of writing was 26 July 2015