BDM in the spotlight: Alastair McCosh

This Resimac BDM has worked in banking and finance for more than 20 years

BDM in the spotlight: Alastair McCosh

BDM in the spotlight asks a different BDM the same questions – giving you regular insights into the lives of some of the top BDMs in the country.

Name: Alastair McCosh
Years in the industry: 20+
Company: Resimac
Location: Brisbane

What did you do before becoming a BDM? What's your reason for the career change?

I have always worked in banking and finance and have been in BDM roles previously. My previous role was as a business bank manager.

What are the biggest challenges you’re confronting right now in the industry? How are you dealing with them?

Regulatory change is an ongoing challenge (and opportunity) for our industry. The biggest challenge for all of us currently though is COVID-19 and the impacts this is having on our borrowers and their businesses/employment.

What for you makes a great broker? What kind of qualities should he or she possess?

I am fortunate to work with a lot of great brokers. They are all extremely knowledgeable but are also always wanting to learn. Their clients are their number one priority and they will work closely with Credit and myself as the BDM to get the deal approved in the quickest and most efficient way.

What tips would you give to brokers submitting a loan? How can they come up with an appealing application?

I can’t emphasise the importance of notes enough. Try and look at the deal from a credit assessors perspective and identify any potential issues upfront and address them fully in your loan submission.

How do you foster or strengthen your relationship with brokers?

My focus is on providing timely and knowledgeable information to my brokers. This not only helps in generating business for Resimac but also assists my brokers build their business by providing a high quality experience for their clients. My goal is to be considered as my brokers’ business partner.

How do you drive productivity? Do you use a special method or technology?

I am constantly looking for ways to be more efficient and increase productivity. Part of this is trying to get things done right in the first instance as this minimises work for all parties and ensures a high quality and timely service proposition.

How do you deal with difficult scenarios? What do you tell brokers?

Difficult scenarios are challenging, but also extremely satisfying, when you are able to provide a solution for the broker and their client. I am fortunate to work for a company like Resimac that offers both prime and specialist products so it provides me with a wide range of options to assist the wide range of scenarios I see on a day to day basis.

How do you develop your skills and become the best BDM you could be?

Being a BDM is a never-ending learning curve and every day I learn something new or find a better way of doing things. Listening to what my brokers need and networking with industry colleagues and peers also helps in continuing to build the required knowledge and skills.

What do you get up to in your spare time? Any hobby, special interest, or charity?

I love sport and in particular golf and football (the round ball kind). I also love the outdoors and do a lot of camping and have also started to get into hiking