After 25 years in the industry, this veteran still learns something new every day

BDM in the spotlight asks a different BDM the same questions – giving you regular insights into the lives of some of the top BDMs in the country.
Name: Janelle Packman
Years in the industry: 25
Company: Resimac
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
What did you do before becoming a BDM? What's your reason for the career change?
I was a credit manager for various different mortgage managers – I had also previously been a broker and had the background to move up to a BDM Role. It was something I had always wanted to do. -
What are the biggest challenges you’re confronting right now in the industry? How are you dealing with them?
The obvious response at the moment is the Royal Commission and the impact that could have on our industry. -
What for you makes a great broker? What kind of qualities should he or she possess?
I think a great broker has passion for the work they do. They show pride in their work and their applications are well presented. -
What tips would you give to brokers submitting a loan? How can they come up with an appealing application?
Never assume – and if there is a story to tell, tell us upfront. Let us make the decision based on the truth rather than an assumption. -
How do you foster or strengthen your relationship with brokers?
Tell the truth and always follow through with promises. -
How do you drive productivity? Do you use a special method or technology?
Our product is very competitive so it is more about awareness of Resimac and what it has to offer and getting in front of as many brokers as you can to get the message across. -
How do you deal with difficult scenarios? What do you tell brokers?
We are lucky in that we have both specialist and prime products available in our product range – so I am able to get a lot of the more difficult deals across the line because of this. I like to get an idea of the scenario upfront and run this past credit if I can so that we know upfront if this is a Resimac deal or not. -
How do you develop your skills and become the best BDM you could be?
Nothing is the same in this role and I still learn something new every day. When I am not sure of something I like to find the answer out even if we cannot do the deal – as it is something new I have learnt and if we cannot provide the answer the broker is looking for – I like to know who will so I can point them in the right direction. -
What do you get up to in your spare time? Any hobby, special interest, or charity?
I have a three-year-old boy who keeps me very busy. He is at that great age now where he keeps me on my toes and has a very wicked little sense of humour. I also play softball – both fixtures and Masters.