BDM in the spotlight: Karen Bajamundi

Resimac BDM Karen Bajamundi works on Sundays to start her week on the right note

BDM in the spotlight: Karen Bajamundi

BDM in the spotlight asks a different BDM the same questions – giving you regular insights into the lives of some of the top BDMs in the country.

Name: Karen Bajamundi
Years in the industry: 16
Company: Resimac
Location: Sydney

1. What did you do before entering the industry?
I studied accounting.

2. How often do you see mortgage managers in a week?
I recently joined the sales team in wholesale as a relationship manager. Prior to that, I was an underwriter with the specialist team holding a $2.5m DLA who’s responsible for final approvals. So far, it’s been several times a week for training or meetings.

3. What do mortgage managers want most from you?
Currently it has been scenarios, training and process flow.

4. What is your favourite part of the job?
Training and presenting. Even though I find it uncomfortable at the moment, I love the adrenaline and the personal growth that comes with it.

5. What distinguishes the mortgage managers you deal with?
Attention to details, quality of submission, and ownership of a deal.

6. What’s your ideal weekend?
For me, anything outdoors. I love hiking! My favourite is a road trip to a secluded beach. Relaxing under the sun, listening to waves crashing in, breathing in the fresh air and watching the sunset as the day ends. Reflecting how amazing life is.

7. What’s the strangest lending scenario you’ve ever encountered?
I wouldn’t consider the scenarios I encounter strange. They are outside the box, non-resident, or specialist-type scenarios. For example, we have a six-month and 12-month ABN specialist product.

8. What's your top time-saving tip and how much time does it save you?
Working on Sunday afternoon for an hour to catch up on Friday’s emails, and working on WIP reports. By actioning these, I get to free up my Monday mornings, and I get to start my week fresh and calm.

9. What’s your favourite meal?
Nutella crepe! Let me set the scene: Eating my Nutella crepe in front of a gas fire overlooking the mountains and river with a nice cup of hot tea on a winter’s night. If you ever have a free weekend, check out Eagle View Escape.