This week's Liberty BDM for Melbourne has been in the industry for 21 years after being a tram conductor for a time

Liberty BDM for Melbourne, Nigel Anthony, has been in the industry for 21 years after being a tram conductor for a time.
BDM in the spotlight asks a different BDM the same questions – giving you a weekly insight into the lives of some of the top BDMs in the country.
How often do you see brokers in a week?
Every day where possible. Our industry is still very much based on forming and nurturing relationships which is impossible if you are sitting behind a desk.
What do brokers want most from you?
Sound advice for product, policy and process. It is very important to get it right the first time.
What is your favourite part of the job?
Meeting and helping brokers and their clients. To me it doesn’t matter if they are just starting out in the industry or have been active for many years.
What distinguishes the best brokers you deal with?
Attention to detail and an ability to look outside the square.
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Describe your ideal weekend:
We all cherish our weekends and there’s nothing better than relaxing and socialising with family and friends at the end of a busy week. It definitely involves a glass of red or two as well.
What’s the strangest lending scenario you’ve ever encountered?
There aren’t many ‘strange’ lending scenarios that come to mind, although working for Liberty means that some of the deals we get definitely don’t fit the box. It’s always satisfying when a broker comes to me with a tricky deal and we’re able to get them the result they need – the satisfaction of seeing a happy broker that also has a happy client is what motivates me.
What's your top time saving tip and how much time does it save you?
To slow down and get things right the first time. This will have an immeasurable and far ranging positive impact on whatever you are doing.
How do you like your steak done?
I grew up on a beef farm near Inverloch which my family still owns and operates so the only correct answer here is medium rare!
Every Wednesday we’ll feature a different BDM from across Australia. If you’d like to be included, please email the editor.