Top 100 broker Graeme Holm advises new brokers to seek out experienced mentors

For Graeme Holm (pictured above), director of Infinity Group Australia, making regular appearances on MPA’s Top 100 Brokers list is a point of pride. Holm, who appeared on the list again in 2021, said there was a very simple reason for his continued success.
“Call it the Infinity family – it’s our team,” he told MPA. “It’s both the clients and the team members. It’s really the people that I’m surrounding myself with that have allowed this success year on year.”
Holm said making the Top 100 list was always exciting for him.
“It’s an honour every single year. We have amazing brokers in Australia, and they’re working extremely hard, so to make the list at all is an honour and a privilege,” he said. “It is really strong recognition of the effort and the hours and the blood, sweat and tears that go into helping people with that great Australian dream of homeownership or their first or second investment. It is nice to know that you get recognition for that hard work, the extra hours. As we’re all doing – even the people who are not in the Top 100, who are aspiring to be there.”
Holm also had some advice for those aspiring brokers.
“I think perseverance and ongoing education is really, really important, so make sure you’re attending as many PD days as possible,” he said. “There’s plenty of webinars floating around. Definitely a strong mentor or mentors – really reach out.”
Read next: MPA Top 100 Brokers 2021: Graeme Holm
Holm stressed that seeking the wisdom of more experienced brokers could pay dividends.
“Success leaves clues, so reach out to some of the Top 100 brokers and gain some insight from them – how are they doing things at the volume they’re doing them? They’ve obviously got a really strong system in place,” he said. “So following the success of other people and collaborating with them. Don’t see other brokers as competitors – collaborate with them and see what you can learn from each other. I’d definitely tell the aspiring brokers who’re nudging into that list – or want to – to reach out to successful brokers and see if you can collaborate and learn, and maybe even be mentored by them.”