Mortgage brokers continues to reach new heights with ALIC

Establishing a career in broking is tough at the best of times, which is why Jonathan De Sensi’s young career in what has been a turbulent couple of years industry-wide garners much respect.
De Sensi has been a broker with well-respected brokerage The Australian Lending and Investment Centre (ALIC) based in Melbourne for the past three years, and he noted how his challenging start as a broker will act as a crucial learning curve for his career moving forward.
“The major hurdle was establishing myself as a young broker during a relatively turbulent time for the industry (2016),” he said.
“In hindsight, all the extensive training and development in the months prior really helped set a great foundation which I think was crucial to help overcome various hurdles faced in the first 12 to 18 months.”
The challenges brokers faced was particularly noticeable in 2019, with De Sensi describing the industry’s performance throughout the year as a bit of a yo-yo.
The first half of 2019 felt quite bleak with steady media attention on the banking royal commission and a softening real estate market,” he said.
“In addition to that, the viability of the industry felt challenged with the spotlight on broker remuneration and net of offset changes.
“However, the industry really rallied together and did an amazing job to turn the ship around to end on a high which feels like has flowed into 2020.
“It’s expected that more reforms and changes are going to flow through in 2020, we as brokers just need to be united while ensuring we continue to deliver great customer outcomes.”
De Sensi’s success as a broker is undeniable, and he alluded to some of the major influences which has contributed to his industry achievements.
“The entire team at ALIC have been incredible, providing continuous support and assistance,” he said.
“Other brokers in the office are great for bouncing scenarios and ideas off, while the account managers really try to ensure they’re delivering an exceptional experience.
“Specifically though, both Mark Davis and Kevin Agent really helped set the foundations for my transition and success early on so I’m forever thankful for their guidance and mentorship.”
Jonathan De Sensi was named as one of the Best Commercial Mortgage Brokers in Australia. Read the full winners here.