Editor's letter: A clearer path

The industry is a little more settled

Editor's letter: A clearer path

The industry is a little more settled

After months of waiting and worrying, the industry can rest a little easier following the federal election in May, which you can read more about on pages 8 to 9.

This month’s magazine is another full one, including our Top 10 Brokerages list and a comprehensive report on MPA’s live-streamed aggregators panel.

While writing these reports I got to talk to a number of brokers and aggregators, and the big theme that came out of our conversations was the worry around hiring staff.

Not only are seasoned brokers waiting before they expand their businesses, but even those thinking about entering the industry are nervous. Now that they are not facing losing trail commission next year, hopefully these businesses can begin to think about their growth again.

As always, talking to brokers in our Top 10 lists allows me to learn how they are adapting and growing despite the tough conditions of the past 18 months.

While most, if not all, have recognised that diversification is key as house prices continue to fall, some have looked at what other value they can add for their clients.

What became clear from all these interviews is brokers’ passion for the industry, and that broker groups across the country have rallied together

While these brokers have all seen challenges, they told me they were taking the time to train and educate their staff so that when things picked up again they would be ready.

The other thing that became clear from all these interviews is brokers’ passion for the industry, and how broker groups across the country have rallied together.

One of the brokers in our Top 10 said to me that he was not only training his own staff but bringing in independent brokers who might need to workshop deals or scenarios.

He sees his job as not just about looking out for his team but also as a wider responsibility to the industry.

In case you missed the live-streamed aggregators panel, the report in this magazine goes over some of the crucial topics we discussed on the day.

It was a great event, and although these things always make me a little nervous, I’d like to thank the participants for being fantastic people to host.


Rebecca Pike
