State Manager in the Spotlight: Brendan Grenfell, La Trobe Financial

Awareness, education and service the keys to great broker relationships

State Manager in the Spotlight: Brendan Grenfell, La Trobe Financial

BDM in the Spotlight and State Manager in the Spotlight is a regular series, giving brokers insight into the lives of some of the country’s leading relationship managers.

This week the spotlight shines on Brendan Grenfell, the state manager for Victoria and Tasmania at leading alternative asset manager La Trobe Financial.

Grenfell joined the team at La Trobe Financial in February but has notched up 21 years in financial services, working in a number of managerial roles at major and non-major banks.

He says the most successful brokers focus on building long-term relationships with their customers and have a broad knowledge of all available lending options in order to provide the best solutions.

Listening and observing are important skills for his role, says Grenfell. The three key elements that makes him valuable to brokers are “awareness, education, and service,” which help foster trusted relationships.

Full name: Brendan Grenfell
Job title: State manager Victoria/Tasmania
Company: La Trobe Financial (the best place ever)
Number of years in the industry: 21
Location: Geelong is home, but our office is the beautiful 333 Collins Street, Melbourne, and wherever in Victoria/Tasmania our valued brokers work from. 

What did you do before entering the industry?

I was a personal trainer/gym instructor which paid the bills through my uni days. Plus, I don’t mind training myself, so it was a win-win. 

A brief description of your role and how you support brokers

I work with the Vic/Tas BDM team, supporting them on their daily activities. I do a lot of listening and observing to understand the overall environment, with an overlay of absorbing broker insights and feedback to provide a strategic perspective as to how we can best maximise our relationship-based model and La Trobe Financial’s value proposition.

What goal do you aim to achieve in your role this year?

Simply to add value to La Trobe Financial, to my direct team and of course to our broker network. 

What’s your favourite part of the job? 

The people I work with, the people I meet, and the bonus of continually learning from all of these people.

What sets successful brokers apart? 

When they focus on building long-term relationships with their customers, being there to support their overall financial journey, goals, and aspirations.

Plus having a broad understanding and knowledge of all available lending options in order to provide their customers with solution-based recommendations.

What should brokers be demanding from a BDM and lender relationship? 

A relationship based on care, support, education and being available when it counts.

Are there any industry-wide changes that you think would benefit brokers?  

It’s an interesting topic in the light of inflation and the impact it has had on the economy.

From an interest rate perspective, it’s provided a great opportunity for brokers to demonstrate the true value they can provide customers as a trusted financial resource to help navigate them through their own financial journeys to ensure long-term stability is maintained even through challenging times.

What do you provide to brokers that makes you valuable to them?

Directly, or indirectly with my superstar team, it’s awareness, education, and service. These three elements are the critical foundations in fostering and enhancing trusted relationships.

Describe your ideal weekend:

Well ... I have an amazing family with four children, so it's about balance.

Spending quality time with them and doing what they enjoy, which might incorporate dancing, listening to Taylor Swift, getting my nails done and at times being a makeup model (I have three young daughters), kicking the footy and playing PS5 with my son Arch, spending some time training, and watching my beloved Kangaroos with my uncle and sister.

Lastly, spending a date night with Rhee, my superwoman behind our crazy family life that we wouldn't change at all. That's a perfect weekend, especially if the Kangaroos win.

BDM in the Spotlight and State Manager in the Spotlight features a range of relationship managers and BDMs within the mortgage and finance industry.

Among the state managers recently featured include: Liberty’s Belinda Ng, Mortgage Choice’s Matt Bocking and Ben Livera, Assetline Capital’s Jason Lucas, BOQ’s Samantha Robinson and SFG’s Amy Thorburn.

BDMs to feature recently include: Pepper Money’s Bettina Lumsden, Red Zed’s Mitch Shaw, AMP Bank’s Nicole Woodruff, SFG’s Joel Ganino and outsource Financial’s Sonia Diamante.

If you know a great BDM or state manager that you would like featured in this series, please email [email protected]