State Manager in the Spotlight: Jia Jia Wong, AFG

Sharing 'happiness, growth and success vibes'

State Manager in the Spotlight: Jia Jia Wong, AFG

State Manager in the Spotlight and BDM in the Spotlight is a regular series, giving brokers insight into the lives of some of the country’s leading relationship managers.

Jia Jia Wong, AFG state manager for Western Australia, is the focus of this week’s Q&A. Wong moved to Australia from Malaysia 15 years ago and has worked at AFG, one of Australia’s largest broker aggregators for almost that entire time.

Passionate about her role, Wong is motivated by building strong relationships with AFG members and providing them with all the support they need to thrive.

She is a key member of AFG’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and also leads the aggregator’s Women on the Move program in WA, working to boost the number of female mortgage brokers through support, education, mentoring and networking.

Wong loves working with people, whether brokers, colleagues, industry partners or lenders. She says she’s confident she can help any broker during any stage of their career journey.

“I also like to think my sense of humour can help them get through even the most stressful days, and my motivational vibe can keep them going when things get tough.”

Full name: Jia Jia Wong
Job title: State manager, Western Australia
Company: Australian Finance Group (AFG)
Number of years in the industry: 13
Location: Perth, WA

What did you do before entering the industry?

I moved to Australia 15 years ago from Malaysia, after meeting my now husband, who is from Perth. My first Perth job was as an accounts payable officer at the Department of Treasury & Finance.

My career with AFG started in 2010 when I came to do an internship in the mortgage management team – basically scanning documents all day. From this I was invited to fill in for a three-month role as a support manager.

When that stint ended, I resumed my studies (Diploma of Business Commerce) and soon after was contacted by AFG with an invitation to apply for a permanent position as support manager. I did apply and was successful.

From day one I’ve always worked hard – and AFG has noticed. This dedication has given me the opportunity to advance through the ranks to where I am now. I’m grateful for the opportunities I've had with AFG.

A brief description of your role and how you support brokers

As state manager I run the Perth sales team, which comprises a partnership manager, partnership support manager and sales manager, as well as myself. 

My daily mission is all about us building strong relationships with our amazing members by providing valuable support and ensuring they have everything they need to run their businesses smoothly.

I'm not just the typical state manager—think more happiness, more growth, more success vibes. My awesome team and I are here, delivering personalised support that adds value and drives growth and continuous improvement. I love what I’m doing!

I’m also part of our company’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee because I believe everyone should be recognised, regardless of their differences. In WA, I lead AFG’s Women on the Move program, which aims to increase female participation in the mortgage broking industry by providing support, upskilling, mentoring, and networking opportunities.

What’s a goal that you aim to achieve in your role this year?

I have some new but extremely talented team members, and I am committed to sharing my knowledge with them. This will help ensure we continue to be seen as the trusted partner for our brokers, as measured by the fact they’re happy and satisfied with what we do.

I am committed to entrenching ourselves as the industry leaders, leaving our competitors amazed by our successful culture of excellence and leadership.

What’s your favourite part of the job?

I love dealing with people, whether brokers, industry partners, lenders or colleagues. This is a people industry and that's what I truly love about it.  My biggest satisfaction is being able to help other business to thrive and prosper.  I like to be part of their journeys and have made many friends over the years. 

What sets successful brokers apart?

The most successful brokers have a visionary goal and then a very strong plan and processes in place to make it happen. They take feedback as motivation to be even better.

What should brokers be demanding from a BDM and lender relationship?

Based on my time dealing with brokers, I know they want BDMs to be present and responsive at all times. This means providing a rapid response when brokers need help with applications, scenarios — don’t keep them hanging and waiting.

Furthermore, brokers expect unwavering advocacy from lenders and BDMs to support them.

What do you provide to brokers that makes you valuable to them?

I have extensive experience dealing with the different business structures behind a broker, and also at the different phases of a business, whether just starting out, more established, growth phase or looking into succession planning. 

I am confident I can help brokers at any stage of their business cycle. I also like to think my sense of humour can help them get through even the most stressful days, and my motivational vibe can keep them going when things get tough.

Describe your ideal weekend

An ideal weekend involves a leisurely Devonshire tea with my husband and kids at our favourite cafe, chatting about our son's dreams to play for Australia in the soccer World Cup.

I also love any opportunity to catch up on some sleep (I love a good sleep-in without my    sons waking me up to cook breakfast!) and end the day with a family movie together.

BDM in the Spotlight and State Manager in the Spotlight features a range of relationship managers and BDMs within the mortgage and finance industry.

Among the state managers recently featured include: Liberty’s Belinda Ng, Mortgage Choice’s Matt Bocking and Ben Livera, Assetline Capital’s Jason Lucas, BOQ’s Samantha Robinson and SFG’s Amy Thorburn.

If you know a great BDM or state manager that you would like featured in this series, please email [email protected]