What consumers want after settlement

MPA’s Consumers on brokers survey reveals when and what consumers want to hear from you post-settlement.

MPA’s Consumers on brokers survey shows clients want to hear from you again after settlement, particularly every three months to a year and about refinancing options and investment advice.
Database marketing or going back to existing customers for new business, is the current strategy in vogue at the moment and MPA’s survey suggests that’s not without good reason.
Only 13% of respondents would ‘never’ like to be contacted after settlement, and of those who do want to be contacted, only 4% don’t want any additional information post settlement from their broker.
The most popular responses for how frequently they wanted to hear from their broker was annually (38%) and quarterly (33%) with monthly the least popular at 6%.
When it came to content, more than half (52%) said they would like to hear more on cheaper rates for refinancing and with the introduction of the PEXA e-conveyancing system, which could make refinancing easier, it may be worth pushing refinancing options in your database marketing.

Investment advice about their area was the second most chosen option (34%) supporting the strategy of ‘helpful marketing’, whereby useful updates, downloadable reports and free consultations attract and impress potential customers.

With increasingly powerful database software available to brokers, follow-up contact can be more personalised and relevant than ever before, and this survey suggests it should be.

The full Consumers on Brokers survey appeared in MPA magazine issue 15.06.