Connective relaunches Empower Program

It aims to support female brokers nationwide

Connective relaunches Empower Program

Connective, one of the largest broker aggregators in Australia, is relaunching its Empower Program to bolster support for female brokers.

The dedicated learning and development initiative aims to foster connections and empower women across the country.

With the largest number of female brokers in the industry, Connective said it remains committed to supporting and growing this demographic. The aggregator has expanded its Empower Program following its success in 2023. The 2024 program begins with events in each state starting on July 30.

Based on feedback from female brokers and industry research, Connective has designed the ongoing program to meet the specific needs of female brokers. The revamped Empower Program emphasises connection, education, and amplifying the voices of female brokers.

Belinda Devlin (pictured above), Connective’s strategic partnerships manager, noted that high-performing female brokers face barriers such as limited access to mentoring, a lack of tailored professional development, and minimal targeted guidance, which creates an unequal playing field.

“As the aggregator with the most female brokers in the industry, we have a responsibility to break down these barriers and provide the education, tools, and insights to help female brokers seize opportunities,” Devlin said.

“It is our commercial priority to ensure that the Empower Program leverages the collective strength and diverse perspectives of female brokers – critical assets in a male-dominated field.”

The new Empower Program includes additional in-person events, peer-to-peer learning, discussion panels with industry experts, and celebrations of success stories. Events include state-based high teas in July and August, featuring panel discussions with industry experts, brokers, and sponsoring lenders ME and Macquarie Bank.

A national webinar in August will deliver industry insights and practical advice, and a networking event in Melbourne in October will coincide with Connective’s National Conference.

“These events were created due to popular demand from our brokers,” Devlin said. “For example, our state-based high teas began as a programme exclusive to Queensland, but the positive response inspired us to expand it nationwide.”

The program is supported by Connective representatives Zorica Grubic in Queensland, Louise Mills in NSW/ACT, Tracey Crevatin and Erminia D’Oca in Victoria, Rebecca Tanner in South Australia, and Sharna Phillips in Western Australia. They will champion the program in their states and help connect women locally.

Each state event will include panel discussions on challenges and opportunities for female brokers, such as business growth strategies and the importance of supporting women to increase female representation in the industry. The national webinar will feature a diverse panel of female brokers discussing similar topics, ensuring regional inclusivity and reflecting Connective’s dedication to accessibility.

Confirmed panellists include Marie Vlahos of Her Home Loan, Lindy Kelly of Kelly & Co., Julie Bishop of The Lending Collective, Sarah Smelt of Finance Society, and Kaye Nelson-Hill of Key Change Finance.

“It is so important to engage with each other, and that’s what we are encouraging through these events,” Devlin said. “Based on our experience, this sense of community is essential to help women reach their potential and achieve success.” 

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