Company: DLC White House Mortgages
Total volume: $61.21 million
Loans funded: 195
CMP: How did you manage navigating around regulatory changes in 2018?
Deb White: Disputing the media was the biggest curve in our area as they kept advertising that the market was slow, but it's not. I don't discuss [the rules] much with clients, and they don't seem to be bothered much by them, as I tell them what they can afford and they accept it.
CMP: What can lenders do to help brokers achieve even higher volumes in 2019?
DW: Be proactive rather than reactive. Many times, lenders are approving deals without income documents and then the deal falls (I hear this from others). I always ask for income documents up front, and I think that the lender should as well. It would save a lot of time and energy all the way around. Communication is key, as well. Let us know where you are at with the file within 48 hours.