Emily Kiparisas, Sterling Lending

Emily Kiparisas, Sterling Lending

Mortgage agent


Age: 26

Years in the industry: 2

Emily Kiparisas began her career working for one of Canada’s major banks, where she learned a lot about how to navigate the corporate banking world. Yet she felt limited in what she was able to offer, so in 2017, she joined Mortgage Savvy, where she helps to mentor new recruits in addition to her day-to-day responsibilities as a mortgage agent.

For Kiparisas, the biggest challenges in the industry are “the competition of the big banks and the bad names that mortgage brokers sometimes have due to bad brokers. They give the rest of us a bad name.”

Despite her short time in the industry, Kiparisas has already been recognized for her work – she was among the finalists for Young Gun of the Year at the 2019 Canadian Mortgage Awards.