70. Deb White, DLC White House Mortgages

70. Deb White, DLC White House Mortgages

Company: DLC White House Mortgages
Location: British Columbia
Total volume: $73.6 million
Loans funded: 233

CMP: How do you think the industry needs to change to better serve both brokers and consumers?
Deb White:
In the past few years, I have witnessed a huge curve in the awareness of brokers. Gone are the days that we are loan sharks – thank goodness. Through the associations in each province, consumers are becoming more and more educated on how a broker can be of great service to them. As long as we as brokers keep the awareness up, we will succeed.

CMP: What’s your prediction for the state of the mortgage industry this year?
My belief is that the mortgage industry will stay strong and increase! The consumers are loving the personal touch that they receive when working with a broker and the hours that we work. With technology these days, we are answering calls and approving mortgages at 9 p.m.