The 75 Best Mortgage Brokers in Canada
The 75 Best Mortgage Brokers in Canada

Power players

Canadian Mortgage Professional recognizes the Top 75 Brokers of 2024, an esteemed collective of the best mortgage brokers nationwide who achieved remarkable residential loan volumes despite stubborn and challenging market complexities. 

The ranked winners’ resilience and tenacity shone through as they employed multifaceted strategies to propel their business growth, including: 

  • client engagement and relationship-building

  • marketing, advertising, and event participation

  • strategic partnerships and networking

  • customer service and optimizing customer relationship management (CRM) systems

  • streamlining operations

The 75 Best Mortgage Brokers in Canada

Collin Bruce, broker-owner of Alberta-based Dominion Lending Centres Mortgage Mentors and the No. 1 broker in this year’s report, says, “In 2023, I had a continued focus on building strategic partnerships with financial planners, home builders, and real estate brokerages. Our client relations specialist continued to focus on optimizing our CRM utilization and hone in on renewal lead opportunities.”  

The recognized industry expert adds, “Increased and ongoing touch points with clients and using various channels helped keep us top-of-mind with our valued customers for renewals and refinances, as well as referrals.”

Canada’s best mortgage brokers foster client trust and loyalty

Charles-Antoine Boudreau – Planiprêt

Rank #4, Small Market Brokers, Quebec

Determination is at the core of the mortgage broker and team director’s success as he strives to provide solutions to clients, some of whom may have challenging or complex situations. 

“Using my creativity and rigour to find solutions for them is something I greatly enjoy,” he says. “I also believe that my clients know they can trust me and confide in me about their future projects, concerns, or fears.” 

The brokerage has supported staff success on several fronts, such as: 

  • new branding 

  • joining social networks

  • providing broker training sessions to enhance knowledge and effectively navigate challenging cases


Charles-Antoine Boudreau Planiprêt
“I enjoy presenting clients with ideas they hadn’t thought of or didn’t believe they were financially capable of”
Charles-Antoine BoudreauPlaniprêt

Boudreau digs deep into his clients’ current and future needs, offering recommendations they may not have considered. He assists them in navigating such aspects as trips, home improvements, or strategies to avoid short-term elderly care. 

Planiprêt’s slogan, “Because it’s not just about the rate,” is something Boudreau takes to heart. His industry expertise allows him to personalize recommendations, considering rates and conditions optimal for a client. 

“Excellent communication with our clients is essential and, of course, taking the necessary time with them,” he adds. “When we understand their criteria and address their needs, we can tailor solutions to each individual.” 

Effectively handling particularly challenging mortgage scenarios showcases the skills and abilities of the best mortgage brokers. Boudreau has encountered several in the past 12 months, but one case encapsulates his award-winning approach. 

Challenge: An elderly client’s multi-storey house no longer suited their mobility needs. However, they were emotionally attached to their home and didn’t want to move to a senior’s residence. Their son contacted Boudreau for a solution as the stairs were difficult to navigate, there was no bedroom on the main floor, and the bathroom needed upgrading. 

Solution: Despite the client’s modest income, Boudreau devised a plan to allow the couple to stay in their home for a few more years comfortably.  

The 75 Best Mortgage Brokers in Canada
Industry challenges abounded in 2023, from high interest rates to employee turnover. While a common challenge for team leaders, the latter invokes a bittersweet feeling of seeing assistants leave to pursue their career path, sometimes becoming brokers themselves.

“I’m always happy for them and proud of their progress and of passing on my passion for the profession to them,” Boudreau says. “But it’s with pleasure that I welcome the newcomers who choose our team. With patience, respect, and much fun, we pick ourselves up and continue the work.”

Taz Zaide – 6ix Mortgage Group/Mortgage Architects

Rank #71, Ontario

Speed and efficiency are the top drivers of the mortgage agent and team leader’s growth and success. Being responsive to clients and handling their files as quickly as possible frees up time for other tasks, such as prospecting for new business. 

“It depends on who you ask, but being efficient and fast is a bit of a competitive advantage,” says Zaide. “Clients like that because I can get a lot done in a little amount of time.” 

Like many of the best mortgage brokers, Zaide has prioritized utilizing the CRM system to deliver exceptional service levels and build trusting relationships. That approach extends into the broader industry, where he has diligently fostered relationships with realtors. 

Other areas of focus that keep Zaide at the forefront include: 

  • developing online leads

  • nurturing partnerships with various lenders

  • understanding the client’s long-term needs and goals


Taz Zaide 6ix Mortgage Group
“My thing is just to stay focused on delivering for the client; for me, it’s not going golfing, but it’s about getting the work done”
Taz Zaide6ix Mortgage Group

“It’s important to get clients the lowest cost of borrowing, but also to get the best terms and conditions and what saves them money in the long run,” he says. “That may not always mean a low rate. It could mean something with low penalties or portability.” 

As part of the Mortgage Architects family, Zaide benefits from working with an excellent team at the brokerage. He gives back in the workplace by mentoring other agents and sharing his vast knowledge. 

Demonstrating adeptness in navigating complex mortgage situations highlights the expertise and experience of the best mortgage brokers. Zaide has faced such challenges this year, with one recent case exemplifying his notable strategies. 

Challenge: A client’s down payment funds involved a complex network of bank accounts from different institutions, rendering the paper trail challenging. 

Solution: Zaide invited the client into the office to walk him through every detail, enabling the connection of dots on one document. The lender had many questions, and Zaide addressed each question individually, resulting in the approval of the client’s loan. 

“Staying top-of-mind with clients, especially past clients, is always challenging,” he notes. “But I’ve been consistent with keeping in touch, and I’ve started to see more referrals and former clients returning for new solutions.”


Mandeep Khaneka – Clear Trust Mortgages 

Rank #71, Ontario

A passion for helping people and a love of numbers proved a winning combination for the mortgage agent, who gained lending expertise from a previous long-time banking role. 

“My commitment to client service would be the biggest thing that has led me to where I am today because I’m a firm believer that if you focus on service, the business will follow,” says Khaneka. 

He emphasizes the importance of staying informed across all the lenders’ products and policies to find the best rate, which he believes is only scratching the surface, and to deliver actual value to the client. 

“A lot of conversations tend to hover around the best rate, but finding out truly what the best term is and the client’s plans with the property adds value,” he says. “It’s essential to treat every client like they’re our only client.” 

Khaneka takes pride in assessing clients’ needs and understanding what they’re trying to achieve in both the short and long terms. Brokering is more than a transaction; he acknowledges the complexity of connecting lenders with borrowers while ensuring all parties walk away happy.  

He is leading the way in his ability to bridge the gap between lenders and borrowers and forge lasting relationships, as well as: 

  • networking within the broader industry

  • providing value-added service to all partners


Mandeep Khaneka Clear Trust Mortgages
“I believe what we try to do is to get to the bottom of why we’re doing what we’re doing and how this is truly going to be relevant to a client”
Mandeep KhanekaClear Trust Mortgages

Being tuned in to the bind that rising interest rates have put some clients in is paramount for Khaneka. His approach to helping clients navigate the often emotional and stressful situation is evident for those who purchased preconstruction homes in 2020 and 2021. 

Challenge: A client faced financial strain when the value of their preconstruction home decreased significantly before closing, resulting in a $250,000 shortfall.  

Solution: Khaneka negotiated a bridging loan with the client’s current mortgage provider, as they had sufficient income to qualify. That solution allowed the client to obtain a mortgage on the new home. 

“In some challenging scenarios, the client may have to ask the builder for an extension, but the builder is also in a bind,” he says. “We try to give the client all the options and work with them to understand the full picture, giving them honest advice and a rationale so they can make an informed decision.” 

Rising interest rates and decreasing valuations for home prices have stood out as critical challenges over the past year. Khaneka has combatted that by being available to hear clients’ concerns and devising innovative and sometimes temporary solutions to refinance or give clients the cash flow they need. 

Anthony Zhang – Clear Trust Mortgages

Rank #66, British Columbia

Zhang’s adoption of technology to accelerate deal processing and maintain regular communication with clients has propelled him onto CMP’s Top Brokers’ list. 

“We’re applying the new norms of doing business with technology and our CRM, which is important now and will be for the next decade,” says Zhang. “We’re running more efficiently and faster with frequent client check-ins.” 

Social media and the internet are also taking centre stage, a space where many potential clients are spending time. Zhang created an educational mortgage-related YouTube channel and an Instagram account to connect with a broader client base. 

“With mortgages, it’s still a people business. Technology can help us, but we still need to form strong personal connections,” he says. 

One of Zhang’s strengths is his honesty, which he is proud of as he strives to provide advice in clients’ best interests. After assessing their needs, he gives expert counsel on what solutions can help them meet their goals. 

Anthony Zhang Clear Trust Mortgages
“Traditional lending is becoming harder to qualify for; we need to think ahead about what the trends in this industry are going to be”
Anthony ZhangClear Trust Mortgages

“I try to be myself and show my personality and integrity with the client,” says Zhang. “If they see me as someone they like and can work with, they’ll come to me for help. I’m getting better closing ratios by showing my authentic self.” 

Interest rates are a primary concern for clients, but Zhang strives to add value to client relationships by digging deep into their situation and offering as many options as possible to help them achieve their goals. 

Other focus areas that enable Zhang to stand out include: 

  • innovative strategies for a client’s long-term financial health

  • offering comprehensive service and advice

While some scenarios in the mortgage business are straightforward, others take more finessing to get lenders on board. Zhang’s creativity and determination in these instances come to the forefront. 

Challenge: A client approached a major bank for a mortgage and was declined despite having all the prerequisites. 

Solution: Zhang structured the case to properly present the client and his story to the same lender, resulting in approval. 

“I don’t want to give up,” he says. “If a client has disadvantages, I try to determine their advantages to help with the deal.” 

Helping clients to qualify for a mortgage in the current rate environment remains a challenge for the best mortgage brokers nationwide. For Zhang, keeping an open mind about diversification has led to increased commercial business prospects.

The 75 Best Mortgage Brokers in Canada


The 75 Best Mortgage Brokers in Canada

  • Andrew Thake
    Mortgage Intelligence
  • Anne Coumiscertanidou-Brill
  • Bart Rygal
  • Carina Shnorhokian
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Channie Tay
    Mortgage Architects
  • Chris Allard
    Mortgage Intelligence
  • Christian Amurao
  • Christine Xu
    Mortgage Architects
  • Collin Bruce
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Dalia Barsoum
    Streetwise Mortgages
  • Daniel Finkelberg
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Daniel Gordon Simpson
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Deb White
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Eitan Pinsky
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Elias Vouloumanos
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Eric Iankelevic
    Sherwood Mortgage Group
  • Erika Alvarenga da Silva
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Fernando Zilli
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Gert Martens
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Grace Yuhong Bi
  • Greg Kalanjian
  • Hiren Patel
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Inam Qureshi
    Syndicate Lending Corporation
  • Jacob Perez
    Coalition of Independent Mortgage Brokers of Canada (CIMBC)
  • Janna Dawdy
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • Joe Sammut
    Mortgage Architects
  • John Helliker
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • John Yeo
  • Jonah Wright
  • Kalson Jang
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • Kevin Liddiard
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Kirk Bryan
    The Genesis Group
  • Kyle Green
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Lena Ohanjanians
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • Lev Keselman
  • Lino Contento
    Sherwood Mortgage Group
  • Luisa Hough
  • Matthew O’Neil
    Axiom Mortgage Solutions
  • Michelle Farrugia
  • Mohammad Derakhshanfar
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Muhammad Aamir Khalique
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Paul Meredith
  • Pearl Kwan
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Raj Singh
  • Rakhee Dhingra
    Broker One
  • Rakhi Madan
    Mortgage Intelligence
  • Rebecca Casey
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Renée Huse
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • Robert Jennings
  • Sabeena Bubber
  • Sandra Allard
  • Scott H. Bentley
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • Serguei Totrov
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Sharnjit Singh Gill
  • Shawna MacDonald
  • Shawn Stillman
  • Skye McLean
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Tara Borle
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Tracy Valko
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Tyler Wilson
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Tyler Yates
  • Tylor Volk
    Mortgage Architects
  • Varan Karunanantham
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Viktor Schaefer
  • Vincent Tong
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Vu Le
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Win Lui
    Dominion Lending Centres


Top 75 Brokers by Rank

  • 1. Collin Bruce
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 2. Vu Le
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 3. Kirk Bryan
    The Genesis Group
  • 4. Lev Keselman
  • 5. Tracy Valko
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 6. Inam Qureshi
    Syndicate Lending Corporation
  • 7. Win Lui
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 8. Lino Contento
    Sherwood Mortgage Group
  • 9. John Yeo
  • 10. Scott H. Bentley
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • 11. Hiren Patel
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 13. Dalia Barsoum
    Streetwise Mortgages
  • 14. Daniel Finkelberg
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 15. Chris Allard
    Mortgage Intelligence
  • 16. Elias Vouloumanos
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 18. Eitan Pinsky
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 20. Matthew O’Neil
    Axiom Mortgage Solutions
  • 21. Shawn Stillman
  • 22. Daniel Gordon Simpson
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 23. Robert Jennings
  • 24. Renée Huse
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • 25. Tara Borle
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 26. Christine Xu
    Mortgage Architects
  • 27. Skye McLean
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 28. Rakhi Madan
    Mortgage Intelligence
  • 30. Grace Yuhong Bi
  • 31. Erika Alvarenga da Silva
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 32. Sharnjit Singh Gill
  • 33. Christian Amurao
  • 34. Vincent Tong
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 35. Gert Martens
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 36. Kyle Green
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 37. Sandra Allard
  • 38. Channie Tay
    Mortgage Architects
  • 39. Eric Iankelevic
    Sherwood Mortgage Group
  • 40. Tyler Wilson
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 41. Tylor Volk
    Mortgage Architects
  • 42. Fernando Zilli
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 43. Jacob Perez
    Coalition of Independent Mortgage Brokers of Canada (CIMBC)
  • 44. Paul Meredith
  • 45. Raj Singh
  • 46. Carina Shnorhokian
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 47. Luisa Hough
  • 48. Rakhee Dhingra
    Broker One
  • 49. Varan Karunanantham
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 50. Michelle Farrugia
  • 51. Shawna MacDonald
  • 53. Viktor Schaefer
  • 54. Tyler Yates
  • 55. Joe Sammut
    Mortgage Architects
  • 56. Kevin Liddiard
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 57. Muhammad Aamir Khalique
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 58. Janna Dawdy
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • 59. Bart Rygal
  • 60. Pearl Kwan
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 61. Sabeena Bubber
  • 62. Greg Kalanjian
  • 63. Mohammad Derakhshanfar
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 64. Andrew Thake
    Mortgage Intelligence
  • 65. Serguei Totrov
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 67. Lena Ohanjanians
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • 68. Deb White
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 69. Anne Coumiscertanidou-Brill
  • 72. Rebecca Casey
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 73. Jonah Wright
  • 74. Kalson Jang
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • 75. John Helliker
    Dominion Lending Centres


Top 20 Small Market Brokers

  • Chris Allard
    Mortgage Intelligence
  • Christine Xu
    Mortgage Architects
  • Collin Bruce
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Dalia Barsoum
    Streetwise Mortgages
  • Daniel Gordon Simpson
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Elias Vouloumanos
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Gert Martens
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Kevin Liddiard
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Kirk Bryan
    The Genesis Group
  • Renée Huse
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • Robert Jennings
  • Sandra Allard
  • Scott H. Bentley
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • Shawna MacDonald
  • Tara Borle
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • Tyler Yates
  • Tylor Volk
    Mortgage Architects
  • Viktor Schaefer


Top 20 Small Market Brokers by Rank

  • 1. Collin Bruce
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 2. Kirk Bryan
    The Genesis Group
  • 3. Scott H. Bentley
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • 5. Dalia Barsoum
    Streetwise Mortgages
  • 6. Chris Allard
    Mortgage Intelligence
  • 7. Elias Vouloumanos
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 8. Daniel Gordon Simpson
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 9. Robert Jennings
  • 10. Renée Huse
    Mortgage Centre Canada
  • 11. Tara Borle
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 12. Christine Xu
    Mortgage Architects
  • 14. Gert Martens
    Dominion Lending Centres
  • 15. Sandra Allard
  • 16. Tylor Volk
    Mortgage Architects
  • 17. Shawna MacDonald
  • 18. Viktor Schaefer
  • 19. Tyler Yates
  • 20. Kevin Liddiard
    Dominion Lending Centres


The nominations opened in January for CMP’s 2024 Top 75 Brokers. To be eligible, nominees must have been licensed and employed as brokers in 2023. All mortgage deals and volumes had to be personally initiated and could only include residential-based mortgage deals. Overall funded volumes for 2023 that were verified by aggregators/franchisors/lenders formed the basis of the Top 75 selections. 

In the Top 20 Small Market Brokers, CMP also showcased those who are breaking new volume barriers in markets where at least 80 percent of the broker’s business is from average home prices of $657,145 or under.