Best Mortgage Advisers in New Zealand | Top Advisers 2024
Best Mortgage Advisers in New Zealand |
Top Advisers 2024 

Top-tier titans

NZ Adviser’s Top Advisers of 2024 have proven themselves as the undisputed champions in navigating a volatile mortgage market, collectively writing over $5 billion in residential loans from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Ranked from first to 62nd in the eighth annual report, this year’s best mortgage advisers have earned their place among the country’s finance and mortgage advising elite by personally exceeding the $50 million threshold during the survey period.

A comparison of NZA’s data over the past two years shows a 14.15% increase in the total value of home loans among the top 2024 advisers: 

Over that same period, the total number of residential loans written by the current crop of top advisers highlights a 9% hike: 

This achievement is no small feat, particularly given the ups and downs of the property sector in recent years. 


Despite persistent challenges and a new regulatory environment, mortgage advisers continue to play a significant role in supporting Kiwis in achieving their goals. They are writing 45-50% of home loans, according to Financial Advice New Zealand’s 2023 estimates.

Bank data from ANZ, BNZ, Kiwibank, and Westpac NZ around that same period also indicates the adviser channel is flourishing, as evidenced by an upward trend in their share of home loan originations.

The fledgling Finance and Mortgage Advisers Association of New Zealand’s (FAMNZ) country manager, Leigh Hodgetts, suggests it’s not just about writing a high volume of business that marks out a top adviser.

“Having a balanced scorecard approach is important,” she says. “They need to have ethical practices, a good track record with compliance and demonstrate that they’re doing everything right.”

Hodgetts also notes the following qualities define a good mortgage adviser from those who are merely transactional:

  • maintaining strong relationships with clients to help them through tough times

  • providing long-term client support

  • adapting to regulatory and legislation changes

As four of the best mortgage advisers demonstrate, 2024’s top performers excelled by offering top-notch advice, superior service and tailored lending solutions with the client front and centre at each step of the journey. 

Best mortgage advisers achieve consistent, positive client results

Peter Norris – Opes Mortgages
Rank #4


As the managing director, Norris emphasises the importance of fundamental customer service, complemented by leveraging technology for online meetings utilising Vidyard and Calendly to enhance client interactions.

“We take that from a client-first angle and strive to make their experience world-class,” he says. “The outcome is that we tick all the boxes from a compliance perspective, but the real benefit is that client experience.” 

Peter Norris, Opes Mortgages
“Pick up the phone instead of emailing and do what’s right rather than what’s easy. Remember the trust clients place in you, and your advice can make or break them”
Peter NorrisOpes Mortgages


This example of client service spotlights his professionalism and adherence to top-tier advice:

  • Issue: Property investors seeking to develop comprehensive plans for long-term wealth.

  • Action: Emphasises various strategies to structure their lending beyond the immediate transaction.

  • Outcome: Clients are equipped to achieve their long-term financial goals, often becoming evident down the line.


Jen Taylor – Taylored Mortgages
Rank #7

Focusing on customer service fundamentals may seem counterintuitive in a high-tech world. Still, the director and mortgage adviser prioritises simplicity and effectiveness, focusing on responsiveness, relationship-building and in-person meetings.

“We’ve just taken everything back to the basics of genuine customer service: answering emails and phone calls and being there for the clients when they need us,” Taylor says. “I feel that we add so much value to all our clients and impact so many people.”

Jen Taylor, Taylored Mortgages
“Surround yourself with good people; that’s how I became who I am. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; many people want to share their knowledge”
Jen TaylorTaylored Mortgages


This client’s story exemplifies her commitment to excellence:

  • Issue: A client struggled to secure financing directly from a bank due to the complexity of multiple entities. They had already sold their house without a clause to find another, and they feared they would be homeless.

  • Action: Provided expert guidance and support in navigating their unique and complex lending needs.

  • Outcome: Secured approval with the same bank that declined them, alleviating the stress of moving their business and home.


April Hastilow – Opes Mortgages
Rank #12

Continually striving to do 1% better in every area that impacts client experience and satisfaction is the cornerstone of this senior mortgage adviser’s standout performance.

Whether through technology or information gathering, Hastilow embraces the opportunity to refine how she can serve clients better.

“One of the things Opes Mortgages is doing well is always putting clients first as the motto for everything we do,” she says. 

April Hastilow, Opes Mortgages
“You can have the best financial impact on somebody’s life or the worst; take that responsibility seriously”
April HastilowOpes Mortgages

The following client interaction demonstrates her unwavering dedication to working to the highest standards:

  • Issue: A client going through a separation was uncertain about their financial affairs and ability to buy the family home and plan for future investments.

  • Action: Provided detailed financial analysis and advice, taking the time to understand and successfully navigate the complex situation.

  • Outcome: The client retained the family home, ensuring stability for the children, and gained a precise roadmap for future investment properties.


Sanjeev Jangra – Jangra Financial Services t/a Loan Market
Rank #30


With clients nationwide, the mortgage adviser and Loan Market franchisee leans into technology to maintain client relationships while prioritising excellent customer service.

“If you stick to the basic steps, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel unless something serious comes up,” he says. 

Sanjeev Jangra, LMG
“Don’t compare yourself to more experienced advisers; focus on your education and development. Be open to learning from others in the industry”
Sanjeev JangraJangra Financial Services t/a Loan Market  

His pursuit of exceeding client expectations is evident in the following scenario:

  • Issue: A young family struggled with a $40,000 debt load and had no clear path towards home ownership.

  • Action: Created a budget and a 12-month plan to manage their finances and become debt-free.

  • Outcome: The client became the first in their family to buy a house and now has a plan to purchase an investment property within 18 months.


Top advisers embrace change and challenges with confidence

The best mortgage advisers encountered several common challenges, including stubborn inflation, high interest rates and a rising cost of living. Yet, their professionalism and creativity shone through via these strategic approaches:

  • embracing technology to enhance lead generation and business volumes

  • educating clients to navigate media and online influences

  • maintaining a client-centric focus in an increasingly complex lending environment

  • building strong relationships with partners to ensure smooth client transactions and outcomes

Jangra had concerns about his future after parting ways with a major referral partner, but he embraced lead generation tech tools and saw his volumes surge by 50% within six months. He also cultivated new referral partners to capitalise on opportunities.

“Despite this setback, it didn’t hinder my ability to maintain high business volumes,” he says. “Our approach revolves around leveraging technology and reconnecting with other referral partners.” 

For Taylor, the “noise” from various media and online financial influencers can distract clients and drive a wedge in their relationship. She views this as a significant challenge and tackles it passionately, educating clients and helping them achieve their goals.

“We’re trying to cancel out that noise and focus on what we do best as advisers,” she says.

An increasingly complex market landscape poses challenges for Hastilow, with longer build times and shifting lending assessments being notable examples. She overcomes this by maintaining a client-first focus and fostering a spirit of teamwork.

“When you’re working at a fast pace, it’s about realising we’re all on the same side,” she says. “I’m reminded to reconnect with what we’re trying to achieve to help the client and refocus on that.” 

Norris notes that, as advisers, challenges arise from relying on other partners throughout the client’s journey, such as banks or lenders, to keep the file moving forward. He builds strong relationships to ensure everyone is on the same team, working towards the best client outcome.

“That’s a challenge we all have with every client,” he says. “The stronger our relationships are with the partners we’re dealing with, the better the possible outcome for the client.”

FAMNZ’s Hodgetts underscores the benefits of belonging to a professional association such as her own:

  • staying ahead in a fast-moving environment

  • meeting the industry’s high standards

  • building diverse skill sets while growing their businesses

“There are plenty of good things happening and good practices,” she adds. “We’re seeing many advisers using non-main bank lenders to help customers find good solutions during these difficult economic times. The advisers give good advice on getting the right bank, product, loan structure and interest rates. All this demonstrates a good customer outcome.” 


Best Mortgage Advisers in New Zealand | Top Advisers 2024

 Top Advisers 2024
  • 1. Paulette Trotter
    Loan Market Highland Park
  • 2. Zhiyang Cheng
  • 3. Cameron Muggeridge
    Loan Market Central
  • 5. Nathan Miglani
    NZ Mortgages
  • 6. Jordan Cameron
    Total Mortgages
  • 8. Logan Reardon
  • 9. Adam Clark
  • 11. Nigel Ho
    Loan Market Agile
  • 13. Brenda Murney
  • 14. Ryan Smuts
    Kris Pedersen Mortgages
  • 15. Sandeep Khanna
    Sandeep Khanna Mortgages
  • 16. Ella McLean
    Opes Mortgages
  • 17. Phil Caldwell
    The LIME Group
  • 18. Rajat Khurana
    ACE Mortgages
  • 20. Brendan Brits
    Loan Market Coast to Coast
  • 21. Michelle Isemonger
  • 22. Alex Wang
    Alex Wang Consulting
  • 23. Ben Alexander Mune
    Ascend Financial Services
  • 25. Rodney King
    Loan Market Agile
  • 28. Dallas Roberts
    Loan Market Agile
  • 29. Edgar Mahon
    The Lending Department
  • 31. Megin Wilton
  • 33. Nick Berry
  • 34. Scott Jackson
    Mike Pero Mortgages
  • 37. Eugene Bartsaikin
    Twine Financial Advisers
  • 38. Grant Patten
    Loan Market – Patten Financial Solutions
  • 39. Khushpreet Sidhu
    NZ Mortgages
  • 40. Toby Stanley
  • 41. Angela Wanoa
    NZ Mortgages
  • 42. James Kingscote 
    Mike Pero Mortgages
  • 43. Johnny Ang
    The Mortgage Lab
  • 44. Nikola Velkovski 
    Become Wealth
  • 45. Hannah Do
  • 46. Dimuthu Liyanage
    Taprobane Finance
  • 47. Weitao (Harry) Wang
    Trusted Mortgage Advice
  • 48. Simon McDonald
  • 50. Daryl John Taylor
    Mortgage Me Financial Services
  • 51. Geoff Wilton
    Counties Home Loans
  • 53. Dylan Ferreira
    Ferreira Financial
  • 56. Mark Pullar
  • 57. Jinal Doshi
    Loan Market Central
  • 58. Dave Williams
    Loan Market Oceanside
  • 59. Karen Tatterson
    Loan Market
  • 60. Gulshan Mago
    Fair Advice NZ
  • 61. Jenny Aitken
    Jenny Aitken Mortgages
  • 63. Jason Longo
    Buddy Mortgages and Insurance
 Top Advisers 2024 – Listing in order
  • 1. Paulette Trotter
    Loan Market Highland Park
  • 2. Zhiyang Cheng
  • 3. Cameron Muggeridge
    Loan Market Central
  • 5. Nathan Miglani
    NZ Mortgages
  • 6. Jordan Cameron
    Total Mortgages
  • 8. Logan Reardon
  • 9. Adam Clark
  • 11. Nigel Ho
    Loan Market Agile
  • 13. Brenda Murney
  • 14. Ryan Smuts
    Kris Pedersen Mortgages
  • 15. Sandeep Khanna
    Sandeep Khanna Mortgages
  • 16. Ella McLean
    Opes Mortgages
  • 17. Phil Caldwell
    The LIME Group
  • 18. Rajat Khurana
    ACE Mortgages
  • 20. Brendan Brits
    Loan Market Coast to Coast
  • 21. Michelle Isemonger
  • 22. Alex Wang
    Alex Wang Consulting
  • 23. Ben Alexander Mune
    Ascend Financial Services
  • 25. Rodney King
    Loan Market Agile
  • 28. Dallas Roberts
    Loan Market Agile
  • 29. Edgar Mahon
    The Lending Department
  • 31. Megin Wilton
  • 33. Nick Berry
  • 34. Scott Jackson
    Mike Pero Mortgages
  • 37. Eugene Bartsaikin
    Twine Financial Advisers
  • 38. Grant Patten
    Loan Market – Patten Financial Solutions
  • 39. Khushpreet Sidhu
    NZ Mortgages
  • 40. Toby Stanley
  • 41. Angela Wanoa
    NZ Mortgages
  • 42. James Kingscote
    Mike Pero Mortgages
  • 43. Johnny Ang
    The Mortgage Lab
  • 44. Nikola Velkovski
    Become Wealth
  • 45. Hannah Do
  • 46. Dimuthu Liyanage
    Taprobane Finance
  • 47. Weitao (Harry) Wang
    Trusted Mortgage Advice
  • 48. Simon McDonald
  • 50. Daryl John Taylor
    Mortgage Me Financial Services
  • 51. Geoff Wilton
    Counties Home Loans
  • 53. Dylan Ferreira
    Ferreira Financial
  • 56. Mark Pullar
  • 57. Jinal Doshi
    Loan Market Central
  • 58. Dave Williams
    Loan Market Oceanside
  • 59. Karen Tatterson
    Loan Market
  • 60. Gulshan Mago
    Fair Advice NZ
  • 61. Jenny Aitken
    Jenny Aitken Mortgages
  • 63. Jason Longo
    Buddy Mortgages and Insurance



As part of our editorial process, Key Media’s researchers interviewed the subject matter expert below for an independent analysis of this report and its findings.



In April, NZ Adviser launched a call for nominations for its eighth annual Top Advisers report. To be ranked alongside New Zealand’s broking elite, advisers had to provide their contact details and the total value of residential loans they settled from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. Advisers were also asked to provide their aggregators' names and contact details. All of these aggregators were contacted for verification as part of the ranking process, and only fully verified figures were accepted for the final ranking.

To be eligible, entrants must have settled a minimum of $50 million in total residential loans. After reviewing the nominations, the NZ Adviser team selected 62 top performers for the 2024 Top Advisers list. The list took into account only residential loans, and the advisers were ranked in order of the highest value of residential loans settled within the specified period.