Peter Izard

Social distancing and the property market

We’re seeing enormous levels of innovation and adaptation, with many businesses completely transforming their operating models in order to keep pace.

Social distancing and the property market

A day on our ‘virtual’ intermediaries’ desk

Although we’re working from home, we have an important role to play in providing lending options for current and prospective clients at this challenging time.

A day on our ‘virtual’ intermediaries’ desk

On the case: Mortgages for law firm partners

In the case of salaried partners, typically their guaranteed annual income is subsidised by performance0related bonuses, which again can be complex for the high street.

On the case: Mortgages for law firm partners

The cost of currency conversion

The cost of converting money from one currency to another is not an issue that’s suddenly going to go away

The balance of power

Perhaps there is a case for injecting more diversity into the market

Support for self-builders

Self-build may be a specialist niche but it’s an important one that is likely to increase in popularity