Funding dateline for businesses

The website covers all types of business funding, including business angels, loans, bank funding, asset finance, leasing, equity and other sources including public sector finance.

Behind the easy-to-navigate web pages, an intelligent search engine quickly filters results enabling the users to locate sources of funds or funding advisers in just a few mouse clicks. It’s free to use for anyone looking for funding, whether they are in the early stages of starting a business or are an established company looking for additional funding that will allow them to expand further.

The site will be launched to the UK business community in early November, but those providing funds or funding advice to UK businesses can create their presence on the site now, prior to the launch. is the brainchild of Nick Montague, a chartered accountant with almost 30 years advisory experience.

He explained: “In the past two years, whilst this site has been in development, I have met with several leading financial institutions, funders and advisers. Every time, their reaction has been the same – “Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?”

Quite simply, it’s a place for funders and funding advisers to meet up with entrepreneurs and businesses who are looking for all types of funding. This is the key differentiator with Membership includes numerous benefits, such as online videos and blogs. We’ve had commitment from both the private and public sectors, which means that anyone searching for funding can feel confident that they are accessing the widest range of possible funding options available to them.”

Adam Tyler, chief executive of the NACFB, said: “We have been talking to and were pleased to provide some initial input for this new venture. SMEs are finding access to funding very difficult at the moment so support for this sector is particularly valuable."