InterBay Commercial, part of the OneSavings Bank, has launched a refurb deal for houses in multiple occupation and cut rates across buy-to-let refurb products.
InterBay Commercial, part of the OneSavings Bank, has launched a refurb deal for houses in multiple occupation and cut rates across buy-to-let refurb products.
The lender has also extended interest roll up periods for medium and heavy refurb and introduced a new exit facility that enables borrowers to take a HMO buy-to-let product priced the same as a Kent Reliance fixed rate product when a refurbishment is completed.
Adrian Moloney, sales director at OneSavings Bank, said: “The enhanced HMO proposition not only features some of the most attractively priced rates in the market but is augmented by some outstanding features such as the interest roll up and revert to Kent Reliance’s buy-to-let fixed rate range.
“I would also like to mention and personally thank our key partners for their invaluable contribution during the consultation period in making this happen.”