NLA Accreditation works with local councils to provide up-to-date information and support to landlords in their area. It is an ideal way for responsible landlords to be able to promote their services as a ‘good landlord' to tenants who can easily verify a landlord's commitment to ongoing professional development and the highest standards in their lettings business.
NLA Accreditation offers a structured approach to landlord development by utilising online and face-to-face courses. It is free for local authorities to participate in NLA Accreditation and also helps to increase the supply of good accommodation. This is important as more and more councils are looking to private landlords to provide much needed housing.
With the six month pilot with five local authorities completed, unprecedented demand from other local councils means the NLA has brought forward its national launch.
Richard Price, director of operations, NLA, in launching NLA Accreditation, said:"Accreditation offers a way to recognise quality standards of management in the private-rented sector. It provides landlords with the skills to provide the best possible service to their tenants. NLA Accreditation is a mark of excellence in which both councils and tenants can put their trust."