A proptech platform has launched that links tenants’ rental payments with their Experian credit report and provides a rent reporting service for letting agents and landlords.

A proptech platform has launched that links tenants’ rental payments with their Experian credit report and provides a rent reporting service for letting agents and landlords.
The Credit Builder platform is designed to help tenants improve their credit history by building up a validated rental record they can share with future landlords and financial institutions, such as mortgage providers and other lenders.
Henry Yates, founder and chief executive of Credit Builder, said:“The groundswell of opinion that tenants’ rental payments should count towards their credit report is beginning to drive real change in the industry.
“Many renters are understandably keen for this to happen as they view it as good opportunity to enhance their credit score and improve their chances of being approved for a mortgage.”
The new Credit Builder software is integrated with Experian’s Rental Exchange,which improves consumers’ credit report when they pay on time,and provides agents with the ability to run a comprehensive rent reporting service for all of their tenancies.
The launch of Credit Builder follows a petition which gathered around 150,000 signatures calling for rental payments to be taken into consideration when deciding if someone can afford a mortgage.
Yates added: “With this in mind agents should consider offering a rent reporting service as this is likely to become an important consideration for new and existing tenants, as well as landlords.
“Credit Builder is a truly innovative platform that will ensure that Lord John Bird’s vision for a fairer rental market becomes a reality.
“The system will benefit millions of renters in the UK while also providing a valuable proposition for agents by enhancing the service they provide to tenants and landlords.”
Tenants will consent to the use of the rent reporting service as a condition of their tenancy agreement.
Their details will then be imported into the Credit Builder platform and then each rental payment they make will be automatically reconciled and reported to Experian.
Tenants can review their rental record and connect with Experian to check their credit report will be able to do so via the Credit Builder app, which will also show savings and loan offers.
One Nottingham-based estate agent, Walton and Allen, has already signed-up to Credit Builder and has no rental arrears among those tenants using the service compared to an average of 7% for all tenants.
Mark Batty, director of Walton and Allen estate agents, said:“Credit Builder provides much needed support for tenants that want to bridge the gap between renting and owning their own home.
“Credit Builder helps renters to enhance their credit score and to demonstrate to lenders their eligibility for a mortgage.
“The benefit to landlords is proven by the fact that all of our tenants using the Credit Builder platform have paid their rent on time and we no longer spend time chasing late payers.
“Both our tenants and landlords love the fact that we offer the service and it has provided a real differentiator for us among our competitors.”