The lender’s remortgage 5-year fixes have been increased by 0.05% to 1.79% to 60% loan-to-value with a £995 fee, 1.99% to 60% LTV with no fee and 2.34% to 75% LTV with no fee.
TSB has raised interest rates on some of its remortgage and homemover products.
The lender’s remortgage 5-year fixes have been increased by 0.05% to 1.79% to 60% loan-to-value with a £995 fee, 1.99% to 60% LTV with no fee and 2.34% to 75% LTV with no fee.
TSB’s homemover 3-year fixes to 90% LTV have been given a 0.10% hike to 2.59% with a £995 fee and 2.94% with no fee.
And the lender’s remortgage 5-year fix to 75% LTV has been raised by 0.05% to 1.94% with a £995 fee.
David Hollingworth, associate director of communications at London & Country, said: “They are relatively small increases but TSB may be responding to changes in funding or looking to reduce remortgage business.
“There’s a danger that customers think rates will stay low or get lower forever but there is a lot of movement around and it’s not all one way.”