The group was raising money for Olympic judeo athlete Ashley McKenzie and Camberley Judo Club.

The Money Group (TMG) hosted a judo day with industry heavyweights losing weight on the judo mats to raise money for an Olympic judo athlete and his club.
As part of the ‘Get Fit, Get Healthy’ initiative those taking part aim to lose 150lbs between them to raise money for olympian Ashley McKenzie and Camberley Judo Club.
Martin Stewart, director of The Money Group, said: “It is really an initiative to try and help the industry kick start 2020 off in a healthy, positive manner.
“We wanted to try and get some people together to help keep all our motivation levels high at a time when the evenings are dark and long.
“We have monitored everyone’s starting weight and we will have a final weigh-in on the 13February where we will hopefully see some stunning results across the group.
““We have also included exercise programmes and they cover all levels of exercise experience as well as tips on healthy eating.
“There was a dual purpose to the fund-raising element of the ‘Get Fit, Get Healthy' initiative.
“One was to help provide self-funded athletes of which Ashley is just one of many.
“The other was to try and help provide some funds for Camberley Judo Club who kindly hosted us on the day.
“By the time we have finished we hope to have raised well over £1000 for both causes.”
Some 15 people attended on the day, with a combined weight of 1464.2kg
Stewart added: “We were delighted with the great turnout, especially given it was held in Surrey at 10am on a work day.
“We had 15 people attend, some having travelled over 200 miles to get there which goes to show what great commitment people were prepared to give in order to help not only Ashley and his club but also to their own well-being.
“There are another 10 who couldn’t make the training day but are partaking in our motivational Whatsapp group to help them lose weight and gain confidence before the final weigh in on 13 February.”
The Money Group has been sponsoring Judo athlete Ashley McKenzie ahead of his planned appearance at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
Stewart said: “We are fortunate that The Money Group helps sponsor Ashley McKenzie as it has given us a keen insight to not only how dedicated you need to be to be an Olympian but also the sacrifices that they need to make along the way, particularly in under-funded sports such as Judo.
“Ashley talked us through his story and why he has to live at Camberley Judo club alongside 20 other sports people and he showed us around the living conditions they have to endure in order to partake in their chosen sport – it was really humbling and eye-opening at the same time.
“Ashley then took part in the group work out although it is fair to say he made it look a lot easier than the rest of us did!”
From L to R: Joe Thorpe (Adverse Money), Michael Lawlor (Integrity Wealth Management), Nicole Macmahon (Optimum Credit), Rob Gill (Altura), Nergina Valutkeviciute (Optimus), Tom Whitney (Optimum Credit), Ash McKenzie (Olympian, pictured front), Andy Marsh (Believe), Zycco Worrell (Body Coach & Bodybuilder), Jeff List (Specialist Money), Scott Thorpe (The Money Group), Martin Stewart (London Money), Steve Patterson (Teesside Money), Neal Jannells (OMS), James Briggs (Precise), Emma Hall (Movin Legal), Ian Skerritt (Teesside Money), Mark Rookyard (Zephyr).