“It’s sad to see another provider pull out of supporting intermediaries, although perhaps not unexpected given the pressure of rising unemployment claims. However, it hardly helps intermediaries at a time when they are seeking to diversify into new fields to try and make up for lost income resulting from the massive slowdown in the mortgage market.
“It’s no surprise that we’re hearing from more and more intermediaries that they are looking for an alternative to the providers they have traditionally used in the past, who no longer seem to have an intermediary’s best interests at heart. Fortunately, there are businesses out there such as ours who always have and always will be committed to supporting them.”
Payne pointed to recent figures from Datamonitor stating that nearly half the UK population does not hold any protection policies against loss of income, health issues or death and went on to say: “We believe there is a tremendous opportunity for intermediaries to really engage with their customers. Unlike some, we also believe that intermediaries have a far greater understanding of their customer’s financial circumstances. We trust them to be our eyes and ears on the ground to help us provide insurance products that provide the cover their clients require at a price they can afford.”
Assurant Solutions Intermediary distributes a full suite of general insurance products built around the individual needs of individual customers, including mortgage and income protection, buildings and contents, home emergency assistance, and landlords' let property insurance.