Average HTB1 value falls 15%

This drop is 7% lower than the £150,000 limit Lloyds Banking Group recently imposed on its HTB1 mortgage lending, writes Charlotte Lloyd.

Andy Frankish, new homes director at Mortgage Advice Bureau, said: “When news of Lloyd’s temporary cap on Help to Buy lending broke, many cynics proclaimed this was the death knell for the government scheme.

“However, our data shows that the average HTB1 customer is already borrowing £10,000 less than this limit, so should other lenders follow suit, this would actually have little impact on most borrowers.

“Of course, it’s a different story in areas such as London where house prices are much higher, but larger Help to Buy equity loans are still available from alternative lenders. The scheme has been a great success in reaching younger buyers looking to buy affordable properties (far below the £600,000 limit) and is giving first-time buyers with smaller deposits a much needed step up on the property ladder.

“There is ample room for more lenders to put their weight behind the scheme and help to improve the options for consumers. The scheme has visibly spurred the construction industry into action by providing an outlet for demand and channelling buyers towards new builds, which is vital to keep housing production going and improve affordability.”

July is the second successive month to have seen the size of the average HTB1 mortgage fall by 2%, having climbed to £146,472 in May.