has been set up by ex-broker Michelle Sartain and Mark O’Neill. By registering a name, contact details and employment history on the site an individual is able to maintain a professional profile without the restrictions of being attached to any particular employer.
For an initial period subscribers are offered an opening deal of 12 months’ free membership. After the offer ends there is a registration fee of £5 a year to register a profile.
Sartain explained that the idea was spawned after she found herself cut adrift after leaving a major London broker for a new position. She said: “In the competitive world of finance it is often difficult, if not impossible, to maintain established professional relationships after leaving a company.
E-mail addresses are deleted and direct lines allocated to someone new, meaning callers seeking someone who has left their job often draw a blank as to how to get in touch.”
“In many cases, former employees are legally bound by their contract not to pass on their new contact details to people after they have left the company.
To do so may risk legal action. Registering your details with maintains that potentially valuable link to repeat business, and client and customer recommendations,” she added.
Rod Murdison, proprietor of Murdison & Browning, said: “Sounds like a financial services ‘Friends Reunited’ which amuses me as I’ve spent most of my time avoiding people from certain financial sectors.”