Under the terms of the agreement the CII’s Education & Training Trust is to receive financial support with the stipulation that this is used to assist practitioner knowledge and understanding.
It has been decided to allocate the funding to subsidise a series of workshops to be delivered by the CII’s Society of Mortgage Professionals at venues around the UK.
Society chief executive Richard Fox says, “I am very pleased to receive this support. It demonstrates that the MCCB has recognised the role that the CII and the Society are playing to improve levels of knowledge and understanding by mortgage professionals. “Raising standards is at the heart of the Society and mirrors the MCCB’s objectives in this area, so the funding is being put to extremely good use and will have a direct benefit on the profession.”
The workshops will focus on meeting the new regulatory requirements and areexpected to commence later in the year at venues throughout the UK.
Full details will be announced in the near future and will also be made available on the Society website; www.cii.co.uk/mortgage professionals.