The product will be available to new members and existing Income Assured Plus members who will be offered the opportunity to switch onto the new terms.
Cirencester Friendly has re-launched their Income Assured Plus product with new improvements.
Now known as Income Assured Enhanced, the product continues to hold features such as day one cover and no loadings for occupation, smoking and hazardous pursuits.
The product will be available to new members and existing Income Assured Plus members who will be offered the opportunity to switch onto the new terms.
New key features of the product include own occupation definition with level benefit throughout the period of claim, guaranteed premium rates, cover to age 70 and guaranteed insurability options.
David Macgregor, commercial director for Cirencester Friendly, said: “I am delighted to announce Income Assured Enhanced to the market.
“Guaranteed insurability options are included as standard, providing advisers with an ideal opportunity to re-visit their clients following a ‘lifestyle’ event.
“On application, the cover can be increased without further medical evidence to ensure it continues to meet the client’s needs and expectations.”