Many advisers are loosing out on gaining specialist qualifications because they are deterred by the prospect of long hours of study.
However, many advisers spend at least 30 minutes commuting, which if spent studying could gain them a qualification in as little as thirty days.
The recommended time for the newly launched Certificate in Commercial Mortgages (CeCM) is 40-60 hours. For those already CeMAP® qualified and familiar with commercial lending practises, the study time should be closer to 40 hours, with those completely new to the subject needing the full 60.
Two sessions of 30 minutes spent studying on the train each day, plus a further 20 minutes at lunchtime or in the evening, would enable a competent adviser to gain the qualification in just 30 days.
Loose the lunchtime/evening study and the qualification could still be gained in as little as 40 days or 60 days for those starting from scratch.
"Successful advisers are already busy doing their job for at least 40 hours a week and put off gaining specialist qualifications because they believe
they are simply too busy," commented Mark Roberts, head of faculty financial regulation, at the ifs. "The new learning materials are very user friendly and we even offer Saturday exams in some places to make it easier for
advisers to take our qualifications."