Consumers pay attention to regulation

While Brits still turn to friends and family first when it comes to getting trustworthy financial advice, the number who see FSA regulation as a key adviser attribute is steadily rising.

38 per cent also rated the number of years their adviser had been in the industry, showing that experience counts. Those surveyed also held professional qualifications in high regard, and well as eye contact.

Tim Hague, managing director of mortgages at Birmingham Midshires said: “There are hundreds of mortgage products on the market and not all of them are right for every individual - which is why using an adviser is vital.

"While it is good to get a steer from friends or family as to where to go for financial advice, their financial needs may have been very different. A regulated mortgage intermediary, for example, will have a range of mortgages to choose from and can ensure they find one that meets the exact needs of their client.”