Figures for April 2007 from the BBA showed that:
- Total sterling lending to the UK private sector rose by an underlying £9.1bn net (+0.7 per cent) to £1,307bn. This compares with an underlying rise of £9.1bn in March and an average of +£11.4bn over the previous six months.
- Net mortgage lending rose by an underlying £5.0bn. This was slightly lower than both the previous month and the recent monthly average of £5.4bn. Unsecured personal borrowing was unchanged overall in April, compared with a fall of £0.1bn in March. Underlying credit card borrowing fell by £0.1bn, while loans and overdrafts rose by £0.1bn.
- There was a strong rise in lending to real estate companies (+£1.3bn) and also increases in lending to wholesale & retail trade (+£0.4bn), hotels & restaurants (+£0.3bn) and transport, storage & communication (+£0.3bn), partially offset by a decline of £0.5bn in lending to food, beverages & tobacco companies.
- Deposits from the private sector rose by £13.3bn (+1.4%) to £982bn. Personal deposits increased by £1.9bn, less than the recent average monthly growth of £2.8bn, despite inflows to ISAs before the financial year end.