“Our solution can be easily integrated into any system and will enable mortgage providers to produce the mandated disclosure documentation required by the FSA, ensuring that they meet the compliance deadline of 31 October 2004,” said Tracey Robinson, vice president and managing director, Docucorp EMEA. “Docucorp’s solution uses a standard XML format to map data from existing business systems onto the document templates, which can then be delivered via print, e-mail, fax or the Web.”
The Docucorp CP186 solution includes standardised templates, which contain the mandatory CP186 fields, key facts logo and formatting recommendations, built into Docucorp’s document creation, publishing and management system.
As part of the CP186 solution, customers will receive:
- a complete composition toolkit that creates the resources – the forms, fonts and processing rules – needed to build customised document sets;
- a document archive that saves, retrieves, displays, annotates and enables e-mail routing of documents in their original printer data stream formats;
- a production-class document design, personalisation and creation system for print or the
Web that uses a “what you see is what you get” graphical interface;
- a full-fidelity document presentment tool that enables electronic viewing via the Internet, or a company intranet or extranet; and
- a document management, storage and workflow engine that manages business processes and supporting documents throughout the organisation.