Equity Advice launches centre of excellence

There will be 2 major seminar presentations for advisers to come along and see the details incorporated in the proposition, on September 8th & 11th in Birmingham and Manchester.

Stuart Wilson, Managing Director launched this initiative. He said “Following confirmation by the F.S.A. that good companies are getting it right, but the mistakes are being made by those who occasionally ‘dabble’ we are delighted to launch this fantastic opportunity for those wanting to really focus in this market and get it right. I am sure others will follow our lead.

We have spend the last year building a robust and in depth opportunity that will attract both those who are currently active in the market, but more importantly those who are wanting to come in and participate. I truly believe that all advisers want is to feel part of something exciting that will provide the support and backup that will allow them to deliver a high quality, leading edge service to their customers. This is what we have delivered.”

Operating under the NEW branding of Equity Advice, advisers will benefit from ;-

- Total Independence

- All Administration done centrally to allow Sales people to SELL

- Equity Release ‘Academy’

- Branding and promotion

- Seminar selling programme

- Free Software

- Bespoke administration package

- Inter-linked National Introducers

- Marketing training and ongoing support

- Telesales facility to work existing client banks

- Incentive programme

- Enhanced procuration fees

- Training and Competence regime and P.I. included

- Reducing charging structure

-Support and development on exams(e.g.CF7) and business growth

Advisers will be initially put through an Induction course that will determine their current skill level, and ‘benchmark’ them against the leading standards of Equity Release Advisory Service, they will then receive a personal ‘development programme’ that will lay out future direction and training needs.

Stuart Wilson added: “The support and training is the cornerstone to this, advisers will be supported through an Individual business growth strategy on an ongoing basis. This market needs a ‘quality mark’ and we intend to set it as high as we can, and continue to move forward.”

The new ‘Academy’ proposition will be fully Independent as it was felt that at this time full Independence would reflect the demands of delivering quality and choice to the clients.

Following the launch seminars, potential advisers will be visited on a personal basis to discuss the own unique development needs.