FSSC enters final phase of review

Following ten weeks of open consultation, during which the FSSC's independent review team obtained perspectives from well over 1,000 employers and industry stakeholders, the FSSC is now sharing its consultation findings and reshaped role and strategy with the industry.

During September the FSSC will host a series of high level events across the nations of the UK and the accountancy and financial services sectors, to test its proposed new approach and seek feedback. Its first two presentations, which took place last week in Northern Ireland and Wales, have already met with strong approval from key stakeholders in these nations.

Once refined to take account of feedback and approved by the full FSSC Board, this plan will form the core of Council's submission to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) for its license to be renewed.

Since launching its open consultation in July, the review team led by Simon Ellis and strategy consultants, Opening Doors, has considered responses from more than 850 telephone interviews, and 130 online survey submissions, including a significant number of SME employers. In addition, the team has conducted more than 100 face to face meetings with major employers, relevant professional and awarding bodies and trade associations, inviting them to share views on specific skills needs, challenges and opportunities, as well as the current and future role of the FSSC.

Anyone still wishing to share their views can do so by visiting the FSSC's website and complete an online questionnaire: www.fssc.org.uk/independentsurvey.