Handling the stress

Short temper, anxiety, tension, depression – just some of the symptoms of stress and all before we had to give up smoking in and around the workplace. But what would a normal workday be without them?

Often we just shrug it off, but the truth is stress can be serious if not handled properly. So when your boss is screaming at you like a banshee, how do you calm the situation down?

Drink up

Keeping hydrated at work – let’s face it, there’s a lot of press about it – is really important as heating and air conditioning can dehydrate your body more quickly. Try drinking a litre of water a day, leave a full bottle on your desk and ensure you have drunk it all by home time. Normal and herbal teas allegedly rejuvenate and relax the body, whereas too many coffees and sugary drinks will have you flying on the ceiling rather than having your feet planted firm on the floor and under your desk.

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Time out

We’re not made to work flat out for eight hours straight, so give yourself a break throughout the day. Close your eyes for 30 seconds, take deep breaths, and look out of the window – these will all help your eyesight and your stress levels. Take a walk around the office or have a good stretch to release tension.

Be organised

An untidy desk does not indicate a tidy mind, nor does it show that you are busy and productive. Take time at the end of the day to clear your desk and write a ‘to do’ list for the next day. Being able to find things quickly – or indeed, find them at all – will save your sanity.

Be inspired

Having clear goals will always help get you through the tough times. Remind yourself what you are doing and why you’re doing it. Positive affirmation goes a long way, so reward yourself when you have done a good job.

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Sleep easy

A large percentage of people who say they are stressed also say they don’t sleep well. We all need a solid six to eight hours sleep to repair and rejuvenate. If you have trouble nodding off, have a warm bath, try some lavender oil and read a good book. Avoid eating late at night and watching TV, as it can be a stimulant.

Get exercise

We’ve heard this a million times before but now even the government is making it even easier for us. What appears to be one of the best-kept secrets of our generation – okay, a slight exaggeration – you can get a bicycle in your pay packet. Well, not literally, of course.

The ‘cycle to work’ scheme provides a way to try out cycling at a minimal cost, reduce air pollution and make us fitter and more awake when we turn up for work.

How does it work?

The scheme allows you to borrow or hire, from your firm, a bike, and related safety equipment, up to a value of £1,000 from an approved supplier. Your employer will have to agree to the scheme but the admin costs are low and the benefits high so it should be in their best interest.

You choose a bike, which your employer buys. You use it mainly for commuting to work or appointments as well as your own personal use. You pay back your ‘hire charge’ to your employer via salary sacrifice so you don’t pay National Insurance on income tax on that money. At the end of the ‘loan’ period you can buy the bike back from your employer at a fair market price. So you get a better bike because your money goes further and your employer benefits from a fitter, healthier, less stressed employee.

The most important rule when dealing with stress is not to ignore it. If you think you could do your job better if you didn’t have more pressure on you than a goalkeeper in a penalty shoot out, you should speak up. Life and work are meant to be enjoyed.

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