Speaking at the Association of Home Information Pack Providers’ (AHIPP) annual conference, Iain Wright, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Housing and Planning, admitted that the government was holding off on fully introducing mandatory HIPs until the uncertainty surrounding the financial markets had died down.
Dominic Toller, director of marketing and new business at LMS, said: “We have known for a long time that the industry is absolutely ready for the full roll-out of HIPs across all properties and we are pleased to hear that the government is monitoring closely the effect HIPs have had so far. This news will also be welcomed by the many home inspectors and domestic energy assessors who are ready to support the final phase.”
Tom Parker, managing director of Quest Associates, believed there should be a full introduction as soon as possible.
In an exclusive article for mortgageintroducer.com, he said: “The government is keen not to unsettle the current balance of the market and potentially create further uncertainty, even though it was earlier agreed that HIPs are rolling out as smoothly as expected.
“It was clear to everyone listening that it would be wise for government to push the initiative out across all homes with immediate effect. Not only does this ensure everyone who is marketing a property is in the same boat, and therefore has to go through the same processes when selling, but it also provides additional work to inspectors.”
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