During a debate at the London-based LIA conference, Laurie Edmans, Aegon’s director of corporate development, agreed, saying: “We are on a loser with the press forever. We need to focus on consumers.”
A recent survey by financial PR company, Corporate and Financial Services Communications (CFSC), explored the imperfect science of how financial advisers can gain the ear of targeted trade or local press.
Simon Astley, managing director of CFSC, produced a guide for financial advisers, which includes tips like ‘make sure you have actually read the publication you are approaching’, and ‘never assume the media are out to get you’.
“There are some negative news stories around, but essentially journalists are trying to educate people, which is why journalists want you to be honest and not spin them a line or speak in marketing speak, “ said Astley.
“When in doubt – leave it out,” said Astley, on the topic of speaking ‘off-the record’.
He also added: “But with an exclusive, you have to agree a deal which ties down the timing of the story and exactly what both sides want. You have to be sensible though, if you want to keep the relationship going.”
For more information or the copyrighted guide, e-mail: [email protected]