The module is completed by students as part of the Advanced CeMAP qualification and early completers have been extremely positive about their experience.
"I have found the module extremely relevant and focused towards some of my regulatory tasks and responsibilities as a Controller of the business," said Geoffrey Beard, managing director of Shire Direct Mortgages, who was one of the first to complete the module. "Possibly like others, the danger is that we can fall into the trap of thinking we know all there is to know - the module throws some very interesting light onto this theory!"
The module is delivered as a self-study course covering the principles of supervision and team management, as well as Financial Services Authority Training and Competence requirements, record-keeping and maintaining competence.
"The role of the supervisor is becoming increasingly important as regulation moves towards a principles-based approach to Training and Competence," added Mark Roberts, head of faculty, financial regulation at the ifs. "The new module offers students an alternative to paper-based exams and I am delighted that the feedback has been so positive."
The Supervising in a Regulated Environment module forms part of the new Advanced Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (Advanced CeMAP). The module costs £120, which includes learning materials and examination.