In addition, the Mortgage Trading Exchange (MTE) has gone live on Encore so intermediaries can now, for the first time ever, benefit from the full facilities of the MTE and trade electronically with 38 lenders.
One of the key features of the new system is the integration of the MTE now live on the sourcing system. The MTE will provide the electronic connection between mortgage brokers and lenders, allowing the secure and fast transmission of mortgage applications, speeding up the traditional dispatch and application process.
The MTE will provide the following benefits:
Sean Hornsby, Sales and Marketing Director, Mortgage 2000 commented: “We are really pleased to be able to offer our subscribers Encore, our new sourcing system. We strive to offer intermediaries greater access, ease and efficiency. Encore, with its full MTE integration, will allow our subscribers to trade electronically with 38 lenders.”
In addition to the benefits the integration of the MTE brings to Encore, some of the other new key features of Mortgage 2000’s new sourcing system include:
Sean Hornsby continued: “This is just the first phase of what we will offer our current and new subscribers on our new sourcing system – we hope to announce more exciting features over the next few months. With more lenders coming on board our subscribers will soon be able to trade electronically with over 70% of the mortgage market.”
Mortgage 2000 mortgage sourcing software includes details of all products from every UK lender at a cost of £23 a month. Mortgage 2000 currently has 7,500 subscribers and an estimated 10,000 + users.