Moving on up

Some experts say the day you start a new job is the day you should start planning for your next one. However make sure you stay focused enough on the job you were employed for and that you succeed and excel in that position before looking for the next one.

And promotions are not given up. Historically, workers progressed along specific career paths but with the impact of technology, globalisation and flatter management structure, this is not such a given. Today you have to create your own career path – through one or many organisations. Sometimes, especially in today’s business environment, you may need to make a sideways move to position yourself later for that upward step.

Promotional strategies to


Mentors –

A recent study found that in four out of five promotions, those promoted had a mentoring relationship with someone higher in the company, who helped spread the word. Some companies have formal mentoring programs but even if your company doesn’t, there are still ways of building mentor- type relationships with people in higher positions in the company.

Get results –

While promotions are not always based on your past performance, you can certainly make a much better case for promotion by showing detailed information about your past successes (a record of achievement). Keep a record of everything you do that helps the organisation hit targets, puts the company or department in a good light, that is creative or innovative, and that shows your commitment and loyalty.

Self-promotion –

Modesty is a virtue, however if no one knows how good you are, you simply won’t get ahead. Be a known quantity. Sell yourself and let it be known you are seeking promotion.

Bond with your boss –

Use all opportunities to make your boss a key supporter of your promotion. Use professional settings to seek counsel and stress your interest in staying with the company. Use performance appraisals to talk to your boss about potential hurdles to a promotion and how to overcome them.

Acquire new knowledge and skills –

It goes without saying that one of the best ways to get promotion is to expand your knowledge and skill set in areas that are critical to your company. As technology and other environmental forces change rapidly, you need an ever increasingly skill set not only to perform your job but to stay marketable. Employees who want to stay ahead should keep up with current industry news and events and also pay attention to trends and events outside their speciality.

Networking –

The more people who know you, know your strengths and abilities, know your value to the organisation and know your ambitions, the more likely your name will be discussed when opportunities arise. Networking will also help you learn more about the company if you network with people in other areas of the firm.

Take on responsibility –

Volunteering to help out other departments or teams, or simply ask for more responsibilities increases your value within the organisation. Asking for more work shows your interest and desire to help your department and company to succeed as well as highlighting your value to the organisation.

Being professional at all times.

Earning a reputation for being dependable, professional and co-operative.

c Acting and looking the part.

Dressing professionally – even on dress down days.

Asking questions when you aren’t sure how to do something.

Daring to be different, making yourself stand out from the pack.

Keeping a positive outlook even when the going gets tough.

Not winging or complaining, or blaming others when things don’t go your way.

Don’t be a clock watcher.

Trying to a name for yourself in the industry through conferences, speeches and articles.

Being a team player

Because so much work is now accomplished through teams, it becomes more important to share successes with your team and avoid pointing your finger when there are failures.

Good Luck.