Healthtrust is a bespoke corporate healthcare programme similar to group insurance but instead of meeting premiums set by an insurance company or healthcare provider, the company or public sector body forms a trust, paying money into the trust’s bank account to meet any private medical fees incurred by the scheme’s members.
Multiplex has now added a range of new services to the Healthtrust corporate scheme including:
• On-site health screening – four options available from a limited to comprehensive health screen conducted on the employer’s premises.
• Call a Doctor Service – scheme members can call from anywhere in the world for a telephone consultation with an English-speaking GP.
• Dentistry plans with a range of options available.
• Accident & Emergency cover.
• Options to cover the use of private ambulances.
Healthtrust offers a range of benefits to corporate institutions plus a variety of advantages over traditional Group health insurance such as: no tax to pay; much lower administration costs; the opportunity to offer a bespoke scheme; total flexibility; and much cheaper care costs.
Employers are able to start with a Healthtrust ‘shell’ and build the scheme they want providing direct control and the opportunity to tailor benefits according to employee value. Multiplex act as a specialist administrator to the employer, establishing the Trust, then working with its trustees to establish the membership, handle claims, pay medical expenses and meet administration costs.
Peter Murray, chief executive of Multiplex Healthtrust Management Services, said: “Today’s service additions to the Healthtrust proposition provide even greater incentives for corporate institutions to consider this healthcare provision option over and above the traditional group insurance offerings.
"The beauty of Healthtrust is in the ability to build a bespoke solution which can work within an employer’s wants and needs and is designed to meet those while providing a considerable cost saving.
"On average a third of all the premiums paid into traditional healthcare schemes will be taken up by administration costs, whereas on average the figure for Healthtrust is approximately 10%. Larger firms, especially those with over 200 employees, will be able to see major savings because of this.
“The benefits of establishing a Healthcare trust as opposed to opting for group insurance are therefore many and varied.
"Increasingly, many employers are finding their insurers are refusing to renew their schemes based on their previous claims history; this is leaving a growing number of firms and organisations with no healthcare cover for their employees.
"By establishing a Trust this problem would never arise and employers can have total confidence in the provision of healthcare, and peace of mind that they are benefiting from the most cost-efficient method of providing this benefit to their employees.
"By using Multiplex, corporates are also opting for experience given that we are able to establish, administer and manage the Trust going forward.”