Pink to launch broker survey

It replaces the company’s Pink 1000 Index Survey and is displayed in the secure area of the website. Each time an individual logs into the secure section of the website, they will be presented with a new topical question to answer. Once their vote has been cast, they will see a summary of the results of the voting so far.

The results of the Pink Survey questions will be featured in the industry press and utilised in number of other ways, including influencing product design and service enhancements at Pink.

Neil Hoare, head of marketing, Pink Home Loans, commented: “The new ‘Pink Survey’ is a great way of canvassing opinion in the industry on a wide range of subjects. With 20,000 or so visitors to each month, we now have the capability of varying the time frame and the level of respondents answering the questions and can therefore get feedback on changes in the market as soon as they happen.”