The Rewire Routines campaign launched in May and ran for 21 days in June and advisers signing-up to the campaign charter received access to a range of protection resources.

PMS Mortgage Club and Sesame Network have successfully completed the first stage of their Rewire Routines protection campaign, helping to raise over £10,000 for the British Heart Foundation, following backing from 700 advisers.
The Rewire Routines campaign launched in May and ran for 21 days in June and advisers signing-up to the campaign charter received access to a range of protection resources.
They were challenged to make protection a central part of their client conversations. This included providing a protection and general insurance quote to every mortgage customer during the campaign period.
Mark Graves, managing director at Sesame and PMS, said: “We are very pleased with the success and level of industry participation in this initiative.
“Protection is the foundation of financial planning and our aim is to help place this important topic at the heart of advisers’ conversations with their clients.
“With the support of our adviser and provider partners we have also been able to contribute to the British Heart Foundation’s valuable work, who were the natural partner for this initiative.
“PMS and Sesame are committed to building on this campaign and working with the financial services community, to help more advisers have deeper protection conversations with their clients and turn good intentions into healthy habits.”
For every adviser signing-up a donation was also made to the British Heart Foundation by PMS and Sesame, which was matched by protection providers Aviva and LV=, raising over £10,000 for the charity.
Katherine Stybelski, fundraising manager at The British Heart Foundation, added: “It is great to see some of the UK’s leading financial services brands joining forces to support our efforts and the work undertaken by The British Heart Foundation.
“This type of community engagement helps to raise valuable funds to research cures and treatments into heart and circulatory disease.”
The support hub, offered a range of resources and materials to advisers them have more effective protection conversations with clients.
This included: a marketing support pack with customer-facing literature, including access to personalised branded mortgage interview guides and protection disclaimers, plus videos and social media content.
There was also guidance on the importance of creating good habits and how to go about doing this, along with tips on how to incorporate protection and general insurance into customer conversations and the advice process. The Rewire Routines campaign website received over 8,000 visits.
And there was educational webinars hosted by product providers, to support advisers with tips and training techniques to help top-up knowledge gaps. Over 400 advisers took part in the live webinars, with more watching through repeat views.
Julie Gilbert, principal at 1st Mortgage Services in North Yorkshire, was one of the advisers who signed-up to the campaign.
Shesaid: “This campaign has focused my mind on making sure I quote for protection business and talk about it more. It has also encouraged me to train my admin support to learn how to carry out quotes too, and hopefully develop into a paraplanner role.
“The charitable donations mean we have also helped a great cause. I intend to continue using the webinars to increase my knowledge and hopefully increase this part of my business.”
Shereen Salmon,Preston-based independent mortgage and protection adviser also supported the campaign, adding: “I recently signed a client up for mortgage protection insurance who, in the 15 years of dealing with them, had never previously taken any cover.
“The barrier in the past was cost, so I did a quick quote while they were in the office and it was less than he thought, plus his wife appreciated the protection it gave their children so she was happy.
“Due to Rewire Routines I am now assuming clients want a review of their protection rather than asking.”