The discounted fees will be available to all AToM customers and introducers and full quotations are available by contacting AToM directly, however reduced rates start from:
Remortgages £175 + VAT (search costs capped at £120 + disbursements)
Purchases £250 + VAT (search costs capped at £260+ disbursements)
Dale Jannels, Sales and Marketing Director at AToM said: “This is great news for our customers if you consider that most firms these days charge anything upwards of £350 + VAT. By securing these preferential rates we are providing a commitment to keep clients costs to a minimum, in what has become an expensive process.”
David Shortt, Corporate Services Director at Goldsmith Williams added: “We are delighted to be joining forces with AToM to offer their customers our discounted legal services. AToM are a major distributor in the UK and this partnership will help to deliver our services to a high volume of brokers who will benefit from speedy and reliable legal services at very competitive rates.”