Royal London has upgraded its protection offering and will now pay up to £25,000 on diagnosis of low grade prostate cancer, which apart from Vitality nobody else does.
Royal London has upgraded its protection offering and will now pay up to £25,000 on diagnosis of low grade prostate cancer, which apart from Vitality nobody else does.
Also it now includes endovascular treatment (around 40% of all treatments) for children suffering from hole-in-the-heart.
There’s also new adult and child 100% payment conditions forcaudaequinasyndrome,peripheralvasculardiseaseandpulmonaryarterygraftsurgery.
There’s a new adult only additional payment conditions (Lower of £25,000 or 25% of the sum insured) forpermanentpacemaker Insertion and low grade prostate cancer.
This payout also covers: Specific low grade cancers,aorticaneurysm andcarcinoma in situ of larynx, renal pelvis and testicleand ovariantumour ofborderlinemalignancy.