Technology providers want improved sales processes

This was followed by the need to improve relationships with clients through increased brand loyalty.

The survey identified that providers have recognised the potential for extranet solutions to service a number of target market groups, with 25 per cent identifying Independent Financial Services (IFAs) as the key user of their service, followed by 20 per cent identifying call centre staff, 15 per cent packagers and brokers, 13 per cent consumers and 11 per cent underwriting staff.

Despite the large number of successful extranet solutions now live across the financial services marketplace, there are still some concerns amongst the provider community. 41 per cent of providers saw extranets as expensive to implement and maintain, followed by 28 per cent highlighting security as their key issue.

In response to the issues raised by providers, it made sense that the most important characteristic for an extranet technology provider was identified in the survey as the ease of use and integration of the technology.

Manjit Rana, director of mortgage and general insurance solutions, Focus Solutions, commented: “The fact that providers are thinking outside the box when it comes to putting together their solution’s business requirements and acknowledging the wide range of users, is great news for the industry. Through our experience delivering extranet solutions to the market we recognise that flexibility, ease of use and simple integration are key characteristics of a successful solution.”