Jonathan Hall, OpenConvey’s commercial director, said: “Ultimately, in a market like this all businesses are looking to control costs, provide good service and remain profitable.
"But there comes a point where, unless sufficient investment has been made in automation and new technology, traditional labour intensive practices will be unable to compete as pressure comes to bear on profit margins.
"Those practices that have had the foresight to take their business online and automate many of the administration functions are left with cost bases which will not allow them to compete without compromising service standards.”
Apart from offering competitive fees, OpenConvey is now able to provide all their intermediary members with bespoke quotations headed with their own business name and logos.
Hall added: “OpenConvey is continually upgrading its service to brokers and along with the reduced fee structure linked to our brilliant service, the bespoke quotes, which can now include a broker’s own logo, will be appreciated by clients who are more often looking for a seamless one stop mortgage and conveyancing service.”